  • 期刊


Survey of Dental Emergencies at Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital from 1996 to 2003


目的:藉由本院牙科急診病例之統計分析,將本統計之結果與其他各醫院之結果比較,以瞭解牙科急診醫療服務特質與牙科急診病患特性,為牙科急診醫療服務之檢討依據。 研究材料與方法:收集民國85年8月至民國92年12月之間至新光吳火獅紀念醫院牙科急診求診之病患資料,包括:性別、年齡、到院時間、居住區域、診斷、處置項目、有無全身系統性疾病、及是否於本院牙科回診檢查治療等情形,進行資料整理與統計分析研究,並以卡方試驗分析各變項之間的相關性。 結果:總計共3334位病患,其中男性1947位,女性1387位,平均年齡31.8歲,以21歲至30歲之年齡層病患最多。求診時間在一天中主要集中在16時至24時,而一週中則以星期日之求診病患最多。病患主要來自士林及北投區,蘆洲市與三重市次之。診斷以牙髓疾病(31.4%)最多。處置方式則以單純藥物治療方式(60.8%)最多,只有約4.4%病患需留觀或住院治療,絕大部分病患需於門診再追蹤或治療,回診率25.2%。 結論:本院牙科急診病患的求診型態與區域、疾病種類、年齡層分佈、回診率的相關性與其他醫院相近,而求診時間之分布則跟醫院牙科提供之門診時間有關。根據回診率分析,急診患者的回診率不若門診患者高,可能與急診醫療品質有關,當然也要考慮患者本身因素,如:時間無法配合後續治療、牙齒保健觀念與知識的落差、居住區域的遠近等,皆會影響回診率。


Purpose: In order to improve dental emergency service, we examined the characteristics of patients seeking dental emergency services through statistical analysis of data gathered from dental emergency cases and compared these data with that from other hospitals. Materials and methods: Data of patients who came to the Emergency Department of Shin Kong Memorial Hospital seeking emergency dental services between 1996 to 2003 were gathered. These data included gender, age, time of arrival, area, diagnosis, treatment methods, systemic conditions, follow-ups, and the labor of the dentists. These parameters were analyzed using the chi-square test. Results: The total patient seen were 3,334, including 1947 males and 1387 females. The average patient age was 31.8 years. The largest patient age group was the 20-29 year old age group. The majority of emergency visits occurred between PM 17:00 to AM 0:00 and the majority of visits occurred on Sunday. The area that the patients came from was located around the hospital. The majority of diagnoses was endodontic disease (31.4%). The main management of treatment was medication (60.8%), and only 4.4% patients needed admission or stay for observation under antibiotic control. The dismissed patients were asked to come back for further treatment, but the follow-up rate was 25.2%. Conclusion: The characteristics of patients seeking emergency dental services in SKH were similar with that of other patients at other hospitals in relation to the area, types of diseases, age distribution and follow-up rates. The time of visit of dental emergency patients is related to the office hours of the outpatient clinic. The reasons why follow-up rates of emergency patients were lower than routine OPD patients may correlate with the quality of emergency dental services and patient factors such as time availability, oral health concepts, and resident area.


Wei, P. K. (2010). 多點觸控結合3D人體及RFID之醫療資訊系統 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.00472
