  • 期刊


Ideas, Tone, and Style in Translation Pedagogy


文學翻譯的理想在追求譯文與原作間各方面的對等效應,除了字義方面的忠實,更要兼顧語氣與風格上的忠實。本論文分成兩部份,第一先簡略提出筆者在東海大學教文學翻譯的上課模式,第二再以“Hills Like White Elephants”(E. Hemingway),“The Eagle”(A. Tennyson),及“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”(R. Frost)為例探討文學翻譯中如何掌握原作的語氣與風格。一篇作品的語氣牽涉到作者或敘述者對題材的態度與看法,這可以從作品的敘述觀點或反諷等寫作手法來呈現,而風格常取決於作者的文字特色,區域性語言或外來語的運用等等,本丈將就這些層面,討論如何翻譯“Hills Like White Elephants”一文中漠然而疏離的語氣,以及如何將英丈作品中的西班牙文忠實的以中文表達出來。譯詩要做到風格上的忠實更加困難,本丈將就上列二詩討論如何兼顧詩的外在要素與內在的文氣與精神。外在形式固然重要,卻不可以一味固守形似,而折損原作的精神與意境,唯有透過細心的文本分析,確實了解每種文類的特色,譯者或可冀望達到譯文近似原文的理想與境界。


In my own literary translation, and as a teacher of this subject at the university level, my goal is to achieve ”the equivalent effect” of the original text: that is, to maintain fidelity in terms of ideas, tone, and style. My course Literary Translation: Theories and Practice seminar is a 3-hour per week, 3-credit seminar, consisting of two major parts:1) two concise, intense sections on translation theories: one two-week component at the beginning of the semester, and one week-long component on the translation of poetry in the middle of the course. In these sections, we read and discuss basic principles, theoretical issues, and problems of translation. We also compare and evaluate different versions of translation. 2) two longer companion sections on practice. All students turn in translation assignments two days before each class meeting. I select several works with different problems or merits, and photocopy them for the class to critique. To ensure that we focus on translation, and avoid spending time on basic textual understanding, I select texts often taught in the department's required literature courses. Students are divided into discussion groups, and each group presents its comments and leads a class-wide discussion. In this paper, I use Hemingway's ”Hills Like White Elephants” to illustrate how a translator maintains fidelity in tone, diction and style, and how to deal with the peculiar problems of translating the Spanish discourse in the English text into Chinese. I also compare and evaluate 3 Chinese versions of Frost's ”Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” and two exercises on Tennyson's ”the Eagle.” Here my emphasis is on translating poetic elements: sound, rhythm, diction, imagery, form, and finally, meter and rime scheme to the extent possible.


equivalent effect tone style irony objective point of view gene


