  • 期刊


Translating Animal and Plant Names



動植物名詞的翻譯是翻譯過程中所要面對的諸多問題之一環。大多數譯者只能向英漢詞典中去求解。不幸的是,國內的英漢詞典在這方面可信度不高,翻譯工作者如果不察,貿然據以參考,往往會鬧出笑話。舉例來說,green bean是「四季豆」,但常被誤解為「綠豆」(mung bean) :linden係「椴樹」,但在台灣卻被當作「菩提」; oak係「櫟樹」但被譯成「橡樹」,幾使「櫟樹」真名不彰;olive與「中國橄欖」,date與「棗子」都是完全不同的植物,卻因誤譯而被以為是相同的東西。至於動物方面bald eagle(白頭海雕)頭並不禿,卻被譯成「禿鷹」,killer whale(虎鯨)並不吃人,卻被冠以「殺人鯨」的惡名。這樣的例子不勝枚舉。筆者擬以這方面的問題提出探討,並指出如欲由英文通名查證中文通名,可先透過大學詞典找出學名,再由學名與中文名稱的對照表來找中文通名的辦法以解決這類問題。


When translators have problems rendering an English plant or animal name into Chinese or vice versa, they usually consult an English-Chinese or a Chinese-English dictionary. This paper brings to light the inherent problems in relying on bilingual dictionaries for such a task. The author offers numerous examples of mistakes he has discovered as evidence: green bean as mung bean, linden as pipal, date as jujube, oak as acorn tree, and more comical1y, killer whale as manslaugter whale, to name just a few examples of inaccurate translation. While dealing with some classical mistakes in translating plant and animal names, the author will present an effective method of cross-reference through the aid of scientific names. It is hoped that such a method will reduce the imprecise translation of Chinese and English common names for plants and animals and provide a consistent means of translation others can trustfully emulate.


吳慧琳(2012)。《Watership Down》中譯本評析與翻譯研究〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2012.00118
林文仁(2011)。從術語學觀點論《Air Traffic Management Procedures》之英譯中之應用〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0015-1602201122095900
