  • 期刊


Words of Truth:Chinese Translation of The Allusions in The Pilgrim's Progress



約翰本仁(John Bunyan,1628-1688)所著的《天路歷程》自1678年出版後,在西方一向公認為基督教的經典。在英國文學史上,《天》處於最著名的寓言小說之列。按目前所知,《天》是近代最早譯成中文的西方長篇小說。早於1851年,已有傳教士把此書譯成漢語,直至二十世紀末還不斷有新譯本面世。 本論文以聖經典故為主題,比較評析四個代表譯本的得失。聖經典故蘊含豐富的宗教信息,並凸顯西方文化特徵。逐一檢視這些譯例,不但充分反映各譯者的造詣,更能窺探跨文化的翻譯現象和規律。


Acclaimed both as a literary classic and a Christian masterpiece in the West, The Pilgrim s Progress by John Bunyan (1628-1688), first introduced to the Chinese world in 1851, was the first western novel rendered into Chinese. The introduction of the work into China undergoes a number of stages from which distinctive features and language changes can be traced from a historical perspective. The present paper compares and scrutinizes four representative Chinese versions in terms of the biblical allusions. The examples chosen are important cultural and religious carriers, which pose great challenges to the translators. It is hoped that an examination of the one-and-a-half-century history of translating Pilgrim's Progress will shed light on the general trends of religious translation and the phenomena of translation as a cross-cultural event.
