  • 期刊


Observations On A Supplement to The English-Chinese Dictionary


上海譯文出版社出版的《英漢大詞典》是近十多年來新英漢詞典中比較突出的一本,得獎連連,廣受歡迎,但也被讀者發現不少值得商榷的地方,因而風評兩極。《英漢》於出版後十年續出版補編,最近並在籌出修訂版。《補編》應用網路資訊,取得最新的語言資料,對《英漢 有所改進,但也還有不少問題。本文繼《英漢大詞典的商榷》復,續對《補編》的內容提出討論。本文把英漢詞典試從兩個方向觀察:「微觀觀察」是針對個別詞條的詞義、例句、典故等縱向層次來判斷其水準,基本上是觀察「翻譯」的技術問題;「宏觀觀察」則是把互有關係的詞條進行對照,以橫向檢查各相關詞條間的呼應與收詞完整度,基本上是觀察「編輯」的組織問題。討論盡量以客觀的旁證提出說明。


The English-Chinese Dictionary has been one of the most outstanding English-Chinese dictionaries since its debut in 1989 and has won several awards in China. Published by Yiwen Publishing House in Shanghai and chief-edited by Lu Gusun, the widely welcomed dictionary was found by many readers to have some questionable contents. These observations triggered diverse opinions of its quality. A Supplement to the English-Chinese Dictionary was published ten years later. With state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to collect new lexical information from the Internet and make improvements over its predecessor, this sequel has problems of its own. Pursuant to my previous article Comments on Lu Gusun's English-Chinese Dictionary in 1999, this paper continues to offer discussions of the contents of the Supplement. An English-Chinese dictionary can be observed on two levels. Micro observation focuses on such vertical aspects as translations of individual lexical meaning and examples in sentences in addition to necessary research of allusions. This in general relates to translation skills. On the other hand, macro observation tries to horizontally compare words with semantic relations, such as those in a hierarchy, to find out if the related vocabulary have been completely collected and correspondingly translated. This observation basically relates to editorial organization. As far as possible, discussions are supported with objective evidences.


