  • 期刊


Characteristics of Batch Processing in Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpreting


就訊息傳輸的路徑來看,逐步口譯的訊息傳輸途徑是經由譯者的取捨與轉碼(transcoding)之後,再透過「結構佈局」(structure configuration)與「投射規律」(projection rules),去重建一個意義完整的話語內容、或是命題的事件結構 (eventuality structure)。因此,訊息必須以一個段落的話語為單位,採取「批次處理」(batch processing)的方式,建立訊息焦點、形成結構佈局,再以焦點與佈局為平台,投射出源語的訊息內容。 而同步口譯的訊息傳輸途徑則必須依循著源語的線形走向,亦即在譯語與源語之間保持著依序平行的行進方向,才能減少訊息的減損或流失。因此,譯者為了保持流暢而確切地傳輸訊息,必須順著源語詞序先行譯出第一部分訊息內容之後,進而以重複、虛化、置後等手法,調整或修補詞語型態以產出第二部分。這種兩階段加工的批次處理方式,也符合了同步高效產出的「衍生原則」(generative principle)。 本文的主旨是前人實證研究的成果、以及口譯語料分析等實例,分別就逐步口譯與同步口譯的訊息處理過程進行觀察,並針對觀察結果加以對照比較,以描述兩者之間的異同及其規律。其中包含:訊息處理時的話語形式、詞語順序、訊息順序等特徵,以及訊息修補與增補在批次處理時的異同之處等。


While observing the pathways of message processing in simultaneous interpretation, one can find that once the interpreter transcodes a message, a comprehensive speech or eventuality structure is recreated through structure configuration and projection rules. Therefore, information must come in small units such as a paragraph. By using batch processing to establish a focus and construct a framework, a platform for producing the original message can be created. By contrast, the transmission process of information in simultaneous interpretation largely follows the syntactic linearity of the source language. At the same time, it maintains a balanced flow between the source language and target language in order to prevent the loss of information as much as possible. Therefore, in order to maintain the flow and accuracy of interpreted information, the interpreter must first interpret a small portion of the source language in its original order. The latter sections can then be produced through a series of mechanisms such as repetition, reorganization, and word/phrase adjustments. This two-step processing method works in accordance with the generative principle of highly effective simultaneous interpretation. The objective of this text is to provide results from predecessors' research, as well as give practical examples of corpus analysis in order to observe information processing methods of consecutive and simultaneous interpretation. Observations are compared to bring out similarities, differences, or any obvious patterns. This includes language forms, word/phrase order, the order of information, and other such characteristics in information processing as well as the likes and dislikes of information complementation & supplementation.


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