  • 期刊


The Ethics of Translating Cultures: On David Hawkes's Translation of "The Story of the Stone"


本論文擬由文化翻譯的角度,探討英國漢學家、翻譯家David Hawkes和John Minford於1970-1980年間,翻譯曹雪芹的《紅樓夢》全譯本(英譯名為The Story of the Stone)。本篇論文主要探討的是由霍克斯(Hawkes)翻譯的前三卷裡的文化翻譯策略與倫理。霍克斯在第一卷的序言裡强調:「他的原則是翻譯一切。」而他也儘可能以增譯、和書末附錄的方式,意圖讓英美讀者了解《紅樓夢》書裡的文化,因而我們可以說,霍克斯翻譯《紅樓夢》不只是翻譯了中國文學,還有中國文化。本文主要以Appiah (l993)提出的「深化翻譯」(Thick Translation)做為框架,援引人類學有關文化翻譯的反思,探討霍克斯的文化翻譯策略,並以倫理的角度,檢視其文化翻譯策略所產生的一些問題。文中亦以Andrew Chesterman (1997)提出的譯者倫理的四個規範:期望(expectancy)、闡係(relation)、溝通(communication)、負責(accountabihty)來進行檢驗,同時也檢視這些規範與霍克斯的譯本之間,若合符節的共謀關係,進行反思與批判。


This article aims to explore David Hawke and John Minford's translation of ”Hong Lou Meng,” written by Cao XueQin, focusing on its cultural perspectives. The translation was in five volumes, titled The Story of the Stone and published by Penguin Groups from 1973-86. As Hawkes professed in the preface, ”My one abiding principle has been to translate everything,” he had taken measures like text amplification and appendixes to translate and relate Chinese culture for an English readership. This article will examine the strategies and ethics of Hawkes's mission as a cultural translator, using the four translation norms proposed by Andrew Chesterman- expectancy norm, relation norm, communication norm and accountability norm- in a critical way, framed by Appiah's proposition of ”Thick Translation” and the reflections of ethnographers as translators of culture. Finally, it is argued that translators should always be conscious of the pitfalls in cultural translation and that all translation should be done in a self-critical and self-reflexive attitude.


Appiah, K. A.(2005).Thick translation.The translation studies reader.(The translation studies reader).:
Apter, E.(2006).Translation zone.Princeton:Princeton University Press.
Clifford, J.(ed.),Marcuss, G. E.(ed.)(1986).Writing culture: The poetics and politics of ethnography.Los Angles:University of California Press.
Berman, A.,Heyaert, S.(trans.)(1992).The experience of the foreign.Albany:State University of New York Press.
Chesterman, A.(1997).Memes of translation: the spread of ideas in translation theory.Amsterdam:John Benjamins.


