  • 期刊

Theory and Reflection: A Tentative Exploration into the Application of Nord's Concept of Adequacy in Trainee Interpreters' (TI) Performance Assessment





This paper, theoretical and conceptual in nature, aims at delineating and at giving a conceptual descriptive analysis of the theoretical concept of adequacy in translation Skopos theory. At the same time, with no pretense to exhaustivity, it aims at exploring the possibility of extending the notion of adequacy and other related theoretical concepts, like the importance of the translation brief, beyond the borders of translation studies per se. The ultimate goal would be a tentative application of Nord's concept of adequacy, as opposed to the notion of equivalence, in trainee interpreters' (TI) performance assessment. Reflecting on alternative training models and evaluation criteria will help trainers become conscious of what they are doing in terms of task assessment and will also provide them with further ideas to facilitate not only the evaluation process but also the design of the examinations and the role of the ”brief” in the way they should be presented to students. This study, in its non-empirical and non-experimental nature, has several intrinsic limits which will be outlined in the paper. It is up to future research to put this tentative exploration to the test and carry out some experiments in a classroom setting to establish the validity and effectiveness, or lack thereof, of this assessment method in interpreter training programs.


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