  • 期刊


Clinical Experience on the Application of Acupuncture for the Treatment of Amenorrhea Caused by Premature Ovarian Failure


月經延後是臨床上常見的婦科疾病,中醫將月經延後分為血寒、虛寒、血虛和氣滯四種證型。卵巢早哀(Premature Ovarian Failure, POF)導致的閉經是指不滿40歲(或35歲),因卵巢機能障礙而導致的閉經。具體包括初潮正常,40歲以內的閉經,高促性腺激素,低雌激素,卵巢檢查無卵泡存在。臨床上依照不同證型施以配穴電針治療,可以讓患者不經服用藥物而月經自然而來,達到調經效果。 臨床體會此調經作用似乎與電針對『下視丘-腦下垂體-腎上腺軸』(Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis)的調節作用有關,經由調節濾泡刺激激素(FSH)和黃體刺激素(LH)的作用機轉,進而達到使月經週期正常來潮。


Postdated menstruation is one of the common gynecologic diseases. Based on the traditional Chinese medicine, it includes four syndrome types of ”cold in blood”, ”Qi deficiency” ”blood deficiency”, and ”Qi stagnation”. Amenorrhea with Premature Ovarian Failure (POF) is a kind of menstrual suppressions caused by ovarian dysfunction. The patients are under 40 (35) years of age. The clinical experiences show that the patients are under 40 years of age and their ages at menarche are not significantly different than others', they have elevated follicle stimulating hormone, low estrogen and no ovarian follicle. The clinical treatment adopts the therapy of electro-acupuncture on points depending on different syndrome types in order to regulate menstruation without taking any medicine. The clinical experiences found that this action of regulating menstruation seems to be related to the regulation of electro-acupuncture to hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. With the mechanism of regulating FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone), this therapy can help the patients to have normal menstruation.
