  • 期刊


Studies on the Natural Sunscreen Agents of Houttuynia Cordata Thunb Extracts


近年來防曬觀念建立之後,觀察市面上的防曬產品大多是使用化學性的紫外線吸收劑或是使用物理性的紫外線遮蔽成份相互混合使用,以增加防曬的範圍。由於化學性的紫外線吸收劑對皮膚存在刺激與過敏的隱憂,因此,如何從天然中草藥找到具有防曬效果的成份,以減少化學性紫外線吸收劑的使用,成為化妝品研究人員所追求的目標。本實驗提供魚腥草在不同溶劑中,獲得之萃取物添加於W/O的化妝品配方中,經過體外防曬試驗後得到50%酒精魚腥草萃取物配方獲得較高的SPF值(Sun Protection Factor),提供作為天然防曬劑應用的參考。


魚腥草 SPF W/O配方 防曬


In recent years, chemical sunscreens or its mixture with physical sunscreens becomes the main approach to provide protection against ultraviolet radiation. However, chemical sunscreens may contain irritant or allergenic substances that cause skin allege. As a result, finding possible alternative natural sunscreens becomes a new issue for cosmetic researchers. In present study, a natural extract from Houttuynia cordata Thunb. was adopted and its effectiveness as a main ingredient of natural sunscreen was examined. The above extract was dissolved into W/O cosmetic formulation and hence its sun protection factor (SPF) was measured. Experimental results showed that 50% ethyl alcohol extract formula behaves high SPF value. The above result indicates that the adopted extract show applicative to be used as natural sunscreen.
