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The Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine Lactation Tea for Improvement of Human Milk Production in Postnatal Patients


前言:以中藥治療產後缺乳已有上千年的歷史,且有許多臨床案例證實其療效,但尚未有嚴謹設計與準確測量哺乳量的臨床研究驗證實際的療效,本研究之目的旨在探討服用增乳茶對於產婦泌乳量之影響。方法:本研究蒐集2014年6月至12月間,因乳汁分泌量不足而需要醫療協助之產婦。試驗組接受四個星期的中藥增乳茶治療與哺乳衛教,增乳茶治療組成藥物為當歸、熟地、生地、川芎、白芍、黃耆、山藥、杜仲,劑量為每日100ml,早晨飯後溫熱服用一次;對照組則僅接受哺乳衛教。測量的治療指標包含母乳每日平均總量與愛丁堡產後憂鬱症評估量表。結果:共有38位治療組與29位對照組參與者完成四週的研究,治療組的泌乳量由平均每日203.8±29.27ml上升到699.9±62.85ml,平均上升496.1±64.73ml,且相對於治療前與對照組的分泌量均達到統計顯著差異(p<0.05);愛丁堡產後憂鬱症評估量表,治療組平均下降了3.6±1.36分,相對於對照組僅下降的0.9±2.08分為多,且兩者用無母數分析Mann-Whitney rank sum test的p值小於0.05。結論:服用中藥增乳茶可以增加產後婦女乳汁分泌總量,且可能對產後憂鬱有緩解效果,建議未來可在臨床上推廣利用。


增乳茶 哺乳 產後 泌乳 乳汁不足


Traditional Chinese medicine was used to treat poor milk extraction of postnatal woman for more than one thousand years, and several case reports have showed the efficacy. However, clinical research with rigorous design and accurately measure was still lacking. We collected 67 patients with inadequate milk production, patients in the treatment group received four weeks Lactation Tea and breast-feeding education. We use the average daily amount of breast milk and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Rating Scale as efficacy evaluation. After four weeks of treatment, the average daily milk production in treatment groups increasing 496.1 ± 64.73 ml (from 203.8 ± 29.27ml to 699.9 ± 62.85ml). Comparing with control group, the secretion volume of milk production reached statistical significant difference (p <0.05). Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale, the treatment group dropped an average of 3.6 ± 1.36 points, lower than the control group (0.9 ± 2.08), and p-values less than 0.05 Student t test.


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