  • 期刊


A Case Report of Severe Pain due to Compression Fracture Treated by Caloripuncture


本案病例報告之患者於門診治療前7個多月因為外力撞擊導致跌坐損傷,造成胸椎壓迫性骨折,出現急性且劇烈的背痛,並且難以站直及活動,其劇烈疼痛感甚至嚴重影響睡眠,雖經中、西醫醫院及診所多次治療後依舊無法緩解,亦無法工作。經中醫四診及分析後,歸咎其發於外傷所致,且本於年老體衰、肝腎不足等因素。《靈樞‧邪氣臟腑病形》:「腎脈貫脊,緩甚為折脊」,由此可見靈樞即有記載本類疾病與腎相關,其病名「折脊」更是貼切。《靈樞‧經脈篇》:「骨為幹,脈為營,筋為剛,肉為墻」,身體的重量及穩定有賴於骨骼以及肌肉的支撐,因為外傷導致的壓迫性骨折,其位置起始雖然是在脊柱,但因為支持軀幹平衡及重心的兩側肌肉不但在事發當下一樣受到重擊力量的衝擊,日久之後也會因為疼痛,或是支持力的不平衡而導致不適。本病患者事發距離初次於門診就醫已有七個月之久,期間接受過中、西醫,甚至是各種按摩及民俗調理介入,然而效果不彰,患處的疼痛更是從開始之後就沒有緩解,嚴重影響患者生活品質,甚至讓患者萌生放棄之意。經義診活動所接觸到的患者在初次門診之後,持續在門診使用火針療法治療1個半月,並且使用VAS及Oswestry Disability Index(ODI)評估方式進行改善效果評估,疼痛大幅下降,最後甚至不感疼痛,生活品質提升,也能繼續工作而不受影響。


The case of the report had suffered from pain due to Compression fracture after accident for seven months. After analyzing and diagnosing by the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, we found out that the causes of his severe pain were damage fell, deficiency of liver and kidney, and his aged.This acute and severe pain not only makes him have difficult to stand up straight and act, but also interrupt his sleep .After Western medicine treatment such as external fixation and pain control, his pain still can not be alleviated. Compression fracture and its accompanying symptoms have already recorded in LingShu Jing. Body weight and stability depends on the skeletal and muscle support. Both of the damaged vertebral column area and bilateral erector spinae will lead to uncomfortable feeling, and this discomfort due to imbalance supportive. Since the accident happened, this patient received Western medicine treatments, and even a variety of massage and folk conditioning intervention.His pain was still not eased and seriously affect the quality of his life. Due to suffering from compression fracture and the unsuccessful common Western medicine and Chinese medicine treatment for seven months, the patient visited our outpatient services and received Caloripuncture treatment. After continued in the outpatient treatment one and a half months by Caloripuncture, the pain due to compression fracture was released, and finally does not feel the pain at all.Furthermore, we also evaluated the treatment outcomes by Visual Analogue Score(VAS)and Oswestry Disability Index(ODI). In the end, not only his life quality was raised, according with the pain relief of compression fracture, he can also go back to work smoothly.


Lee, Hyun-jong,Seo, Jung-chul,Park, Sunghoon,Kwak, Min-ah,Shin, Im hee,Min, Bo-mi,Cho, Min-su,Roh, Woon-seok,Jung, Jin-yong(2015).Acupuncture in Patients with a Vertebral Compression Fracture: A Protocol for a Randomized, Controlled, Pilot Clinical Tria.Journal of Pharmacopuncture.18(1),079-085.
巢元方:諸病源侯論‧ 腰背病諸候‧卷之五。
