

一名52 歲女性於停經一年多前在頸部及額頭陸續出現多顆皮膚結節,西醫診斷為皮脂腺囊腫。此次至中醫就診乃因左側腰部皮膚出現一顆兩公分扁圓形結節,邊緣規則,近於膚色,表面平滑,重按之則局部結節區域疼痛,西醫診斷為脂肪瘤,中醫辨證為痰核,以心腎不交為本,痰瘀互結為標,治則為交通心腎,理氣活血,化痰散結,故以生脈飲合二至丸益氣養陰為主要處方,輔以化痰散結藥物,門診六次共服中藥兩個月後,左側腰部皮膚結節逐漸縮小消失,頸部及額頭多顆皮膚結節數量及大小亦有明顯減少的情況。


脂肪瘤 皮膚結節 痰核 更年期


A 52-year-old woman complained of multiple skin nodules appearing on her neck and forehead around menopause. She sought medical advice due to a flat-round skin nodule diagnosed of lipoma on her left side of waist one week ago. Slightly hard without exudate, it was diagnosed as "phlegm node" by Traditional Chinese medicine. The pattern identification of this patient with multiple skin nodules was noninteraction of the heart and kidney as well as syndrome of intermingled phlegm and blood stasis. Our principles and methods of treatment were interaction of the heart and kidney to treat the root; moreover, rectifying qi and dispersing phlegm, quickening the blood and transforming stasis. Noninteraction of the heart and kidney was the main cause of the patient's condition so we prescribed Shengmai Yin and Erzhi pills as the main prescription. After taking Chinese medicine for two months, the skin nodule on her left side of waist gradually shrank and finally disappeared; furthermore, the number and the size of multiple skin nodules on her neck and forehead also significantly reduced.


Lipoma Skin nodules Phlegm node Menopause


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