  • 期刊


A Case Report of Sleep Disturbance Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine




中醫藥 漢方醫 睡眠障礙 失眠


In the hustle and bustle modernized society, many psychotic patients who has been under regular treatment in psychiatric clinic, would get their sleep disturbance worsening, if unexpected major event occurred. It may result in daytime low spirit, frequent nervousness, and even other basic physiological function disturbance, such as having a meal or digestion. Therefore, other than under regular medicine in psychiatric clinic, many patients would also refer to traditional Chinese medicine department, or seek kampo medicine. As a professionally-trained traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, in addition to figure out sleep physiology and the pharmacology of those psychiatric medicine, we also have to carefully distinguish the type of sleep disturbance under traditional Chinese medicine. It may be our priority to pick up the appropriate opportunity for the intervention of TCM medicine, and track its effect. It would be our progress to decrease the dosage of sleeping pills at night, even if the daytime regular psychiatric medicine still the same. It was the road less travelled in the past, but would be necessary in the future to integrate psychiatric medicine with traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of sleep disturbance.


盧豐華:睡眠障礙,預防醫學,台北市,台灣家庭醫學會,民 97 年 6 月,197。
李世滄主編、林宜信總校閱:失眠的中醫歷代典籍研究。行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會,民國 96 年 6 月編印,40。
佚名著:《靈樞 ‧ 邪客篇第七十一》:《欽定四庫全書 ‧ 子部五 ‧ 醫家類》清 ‧ 紀昀等主編,58-59。
漢 ‧ 張仲景著:《藏府經絡先後病脈證》:《醫宗金鑑 ‧ 訂正仲景全書金匱要略注》清 ‧ 吳謙編,卷一,8。
