  • 期刊


A Case Report of Using Modified Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan and Shenzhu Tang in Treating Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Induced Urinary Frequency


良性攝護腺肥大(benign prostatic hyperplasia,BPH)與老化有關連,大多數的男性隨著年齡的增長,都可能會遭遇此問題。攝護腺肥大造成的排尿不利、頻尿或尿失禁都會對生活作息帶來很大的影響,手術雖能解決問題,但術後的副作用如疼痛與陽痿,令人卻步,而藥物只能緩解症狀,卻無法根治,且藥物的副作用也讓人困擾。本案介紹一位71歲患者尿頻逐漸加重已兩年且服用甲型腎上腺素阻斷劑會產生不適之副作用,在服用濟生腎氣丸與腎著湯化裁一個月後,改善困擾患者許久的頻尿、夜尿與尿失禁的症狀,其國際攝護腺徵狀評分表(international prostate symptom score,IPSS)評分從25分降至14分,改善程度優於服用西藥三個月的治療成效,生活品質也因此獲得改善。


Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common disorder increases as men age. Slow or prolonged stream, hesitancy, frequent urination, nocturia, urgency and incontinence caused by BPH will have a great impact on quality of life. Although surgery can solve the problem, but the adverse effects of pain and impotence are prohibitive. Drugs can only relieve the symptoms but cannot cure the BPH, and the side effects of the drugs are disturbing. This case introduces a 71-year-old patient whose urinary frequency has gradually increased for two years, and taking an epinephrine blocker will cause unpleasant side effects. After taking modified Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan and Shenzhu Tang for one month, his symptoms of frequent urination, nocturia and incontinence were improved. The International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) score reduces from 25 points to 14 points and the quality of life is also improved. The degree of improvement is better than the treatment effect of taking western medicine for three months.


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