  • 期刊

創造的聯結-「邊界敘譜」:拉黑子(Rahic Talif)『五十步空間』與撒古流(Sakuliu Pavavalung)『光的記憶』

Creative Assemblages - Boundary Narratives: Rahic Talif's "The Space of Fifty Steps" and Sakuliu Pavavalung's "A Memory of Light"


「邊界敘譜」是2015 年拉黑子.達立夫的『五十步空間』與撒古流.巴瓦瓦隆的『光的記憶』之雙個展。這次的雙個展,醞釀的時間超過二十年。它不只代表展覽的聯結,由海邊的阿美族與山上的排灣族的文化聯結,而且是創造性的聯結,特別是強調邊界的滲透性論述。拉黑子的部落傳統,有白天與黑夜之間的「中介空間」的文化想像,像是儀式的「閾域」。而撒古流提出「火的時代」如何轉渡到「電的時代」,其中包括面對被外力干擾與幽默以對的部落智慧。正如哲學家德勒茲與精神分析家瓜塔里在《千高原》所提出來,聯結的意義含有靈性的身體與行動熱情以及其轉形變貌,一方面是疆界化與重納疆界的再生穩定性,另方面是解脫疆界的社會文化實踐。


Boundary Narratives is the title of a 2015 joint exhibition of Rahic Talif's The Space of Fifty Steps and Sakuliu Pavavalung's A Memory of Light. The two artists, who are as closed as brothers, had considered this collaboration for more than twenty years. One is Amis; the other is Paiwan. Boundary Narratives showed the individual creativity of both artists, while also demonstrating that they shared the same idea of "boundary" as infiltrative. In Rahic's Amis tribe, it is an artistic and cultural imagination for the idea of "in-between" that represents the undetectable interval between day and night, like ritual imagination of "liminality." For Sakuliu, it was disturbing but humorous that "the age of fire" transformed into "the age of electricity"- changing the life of his Paiwan tribe into the modern world. The joint exhibition Boundary Narratives could also be seen to echo the idea of assemblage introduced by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari in their book A Thousand Plateaus. The bodies that make up an assemblage do not remain static but rather go through the processes of deterritorialization and reterritorialization. On one hand, territorialization or reterritorialization resulted in a new stability in the relations among a body, an act and passion. On the other hand, deterritorialization can be seen in sociocultural practices which transform the spiritual body and acts. Thus, the assemblage is productive and creative.


Deleuze, G.,Tomlison, H.(Trans.),Barbara, H.(Trans.)(2011).Bergsonism.New York:Zone Book.
Deleuze, Gilles,Guattari, F.,Massumi, B. (Trans)(1996).A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia.Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press.
Parr, A.(Ed.)(2010).The Deleuze Dictionary.Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press.
