  • 期刊


The Occurrence and Ecology of Danaidae (Lepidoptera) in Dakeng Butterfly Education Area


斑蝶為具有觀賞及教育價值的蝶類。本研究於2004年1月至12月間在台中市大坑蝴蝶生態教育區,以穿越線調查法記錄斑蝶之種類、數量及行為。研究期間完成12次有效調查,共記錄斑蝶5屬、11種、201隻次,其中以6、7、8月之種類數皆為10 種最多,以2、3月份皆為0種最少。每次穿越線調查記錄之隻次以9月份的41隻次最多,而以2、3月份的0隻次最少。就個別蝶種而言,記錄隻次最多的前三名依次為樺斑蝶、小紫斑蝶及淡小紋青斑蝶,其中樺斑蝶及淡小紋青斑蝶之豐盛原因均與園區內人為栽植之寄主植物有關。11種斑蝶均有訪花吸蜜之行為,在園區中共利用6科10種蜜源植物,其中以菊科及馬鞭草科各有3 種最多。由研究結果得知,斑蝶在大坑蝴蝶生態教育區主要發生於春季至秋季間,尤以6月至9月間之種類、數量均屬豐富,適宜觀賞或進行生態教育活動。


斑蝶 大坑 生態 教育


The species composition, quantity, and behaviors of danaid butterflies (Lepidoptera: Danaidae) were investigated in the Dakeng Butterfly Education Area from January to December, 2004. Transect counts method was used. During the study period, 12 transect counts were made, and 5 generas, 11 species and 201 individual were recorded. More species came into sight in June, July and August; 10 species were observed in each of these months. Danaids were not observed in February and March. In the transect counts, the maximum individual counts fell in Sepetember (n=41) and the minimum (n=0) in February and March. The three dominant species were Danaus chrysippus、Euploea tulliolus koxinga and Tirumala limniace. All 11 species visited flowers and 10 species of plants for nectar were recorded. The result of this study revealed that the danaid butterflies were occurred constantly in Dakeng Butterfly Education Area from spring to autumn, especially from July to September, which were best for butterfly watching and implementation of ecological education.


Danaidae Dakeng ecology education
