  • 期刊


Discuss the Application of Food Safety Issues into Science Education from Elementary School to University: A Retrospective Study from 1999 to 2018




Science education is closely related to people's lives. Its educational purpose is to help students connect the classroom with real life, and use inquiry skills and scientific knowledge to solve daily life problems. Food safety is a hot topic in recent years. Therefore, this study uses a literature analysis method to understand the development trend of food safety issues integrated into science education research in the past 20 years around the world and to analyze the teaching of food safety issues integrated into science education from elementary to university level Content, strategy, and effectiveness. The study found that the integration of food safety issues into science education has obviously become a development trend in recent years. The research object has gradually changed from the previous university stage to mixed-age education. The food safety issues are mostly dominated by food-borne diseases, and teaching strategies can be summarized. : Case teaching, experiment operation, technology integration, cooperation, experience, interdisciplinary, and drawing learning. Although the teaching strategies are rich and diverse, the effectiveness of learning is focused on enhancing the level of knowledge, ignoring the skills and attitudes. The researchers in the future are suggested to focus on designing teaching strategies that improve students' food safety skills and attitudes.
