

The passage of meconium in utero is either a normal event or more commonly associated with fetal asphyxia and decreased umbilical venous PO2. Fetal intestinal ischemia is augmented by the diving reflex, which shunts blood preferentially to the brain and away from the visceral organs leading to the passage of meconium. During fetal distress, the gasping efforts of the fetus are contribute to the entery of meconium into the respiratory tract. Clinical symptoms of meconium aspiration may be very mild, but typically the infant presents with tachypnea, prolonged expiratory phase and hypoxia shortly after birth. Air leak and pulmonary hypertension are often occurred in severe cases. Postnatal therapy of meconium aspiration starts with monitoring infants at risk. Chest physiotherapy and suctioning may be valuable and correction of hypoxemia and acidosis for pulmonary vasoconstrition is critical.




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