  • 期刊


Public Awareness of Triage and Waiting Time at Emergency Department


急診提供急重症患者救命醫療,而非提供一般患者快速醫療。為讓有限緊急醫療資源得以發揮最大效用,適當的規範是必須的。檢傷分類讓急重症患者獲得優先處理,較不危急的患者就有可能等候。對於檢傷分類的認知,及實際等待時間的長短,常會影響滿意度,甚至改變醫療配合度。 本研究發現有51.3%的受訪者不知急診檢傷分類。雖然96.9%在了解後願意承讓病重者。然而願意等待5分鐘者為73.4%、10分鐘者為45.9%、30分鐘者僅有11%。民眾的期望與現行規範存在著極大的差距。不滿意、誤解、甚至衝突常會因此產生,嚴重時還會影響醫療。 了解官方與民眾對檢傷分類的認知是重要的。唯有雙方充分了解、溝通後獲得共識,加上大力宣導,認知上的的差距才可能縮短,急診服務方能免除此類不必要的干擾。


Emergency departments provide life-saving treatments for critical patients than fast tract for general populations. Regulations are necessary to provide services efficiently. With triage, critical patients were served first, however, non-emergent patients may wait. Understanding of the triage and actual time of waiting usually affect their satisfaction and even the medical compliance. In this study, we found that 51.3%did not know what triage is. After understanding of it, 96.9% recognized the medical priority of critical patients. However, 73.4% could wait for 5 minutes, 45.9% for 10 minutes but only 11% could wait for 30 minutes. A great discrepancy is existing between current regulations and peoples' expectation. Dissatisfactions, misunderstanding and even conflicts may be resulted if there is no good understanding of the triage. Sometimes, it may interfere the medical services. It's important to know the difference between patients and governors about the triage. New regulations after understanding, negotiation and active education can reduce the discrepancy and prevent such unnecessary interference in emergency services.


emergency medicine triage waiting time
