

背景:在世界潮流的影響下,我國也逐漸開始重視病患權益之議題。台灣的急診醫療正急速的發展,為能提供質量並重的照顧服務,實有必要好好的落實急診病患權益,做為相關單位和人員之參考。 方法:本研究以內容分析法(content analysis),分析台灣南部地區一家教學醫院,從1990年至2003年三月底院長信箱中有關急診部門206封的信件,以瞭解落實急診病患權益之探討。 結果:在206封信件中曾經提及病患權益之事件有388次,其中有134次(34.54%)提及自己或是家屬的病患權益是被實踐,有254次(65.46%)提及自己或家屬的病患權益是沒有被實踐。研究結果發現,急診病患或家屬認為有被實踐與沒有被實踐的病患權益,主要皆以就醫權利為主,其次是知的權利。 結論:為了使急診病患病患權益能獲得實踐,急診醫護人員必須加強醫學倫理教育,學習以平等的醫病關係來對待病患;醫療院所應配置合理的急診醫護人員人力,加強醫護人員的在職專業訓練;急診醫療院所環境之規劃應尊重病患之隱私權,使病患能獲得醫師與護理人員細心照護等專業照顧。


急診 病患權益


Background and Purpose: Under the influence of global trends, the issue of patient’s right is gradually being stressed in Taiwan. Emergency medicine is still under the process of rapid development. The implementation of patient’s right in emergency medicine must be studied carefully in order to improve the standard of the service. This study will serve as a reference for related personnel and units. Method: Content analysis is used in this study 206 letters of complaint toward emergency department were collected from the superintendent’s mailbox in a medical center in southern Taiwan from 1990 to 2003. The implantation of patient’s right in Emergency Department was thus studied. Results: Patient’s right was mentioned 388 times in 206 letters. The right of the patients and families was implanted 134 times (34.54%). In 254 times (65.46%), the right was not implemented. The right to receive treatment is the most important right, followed by the right to understand their disease as revealed by the study. Conclusion: A few things must be done to implement the patient’s right in emergency department for medical personnel, education on medical ethics must be improved and the patients must be treated impartially by the caregivers. For the hospital administration appropriated amounts of medical perso-nnel must be arranged, and continuing medical education must be given. The environments of the hospital must be planned that the privacy of the patient must be respected, the right to receive treatment must be stressed and the space for treatment must be appropriate.


emergency patient's right


