  • 期刊

Emergency Medicine Residency Programs and the Web in Taiwan: Internet Resources in 2003



目的:探討目前台灣各醫院急診醫學住院醫師訓練計畫相關資訊在網路上使用的現況。 方法:利用網站搜尋引擎,收集並評估衛生署公告之各醫院急診醫學住院醫師訓練計畫在醫院或科部網站上之相關資訊。各醫院的急診相關網站出現之資訊分四大類收集並加以可檢視:聯絡方式、訓練內容、師資及研究、病患照顧及福利。 結果:2003年衛生署公告之三十九個急診專科訓練醫院中,有二十七個(79.2%)急診科部可藉由網站上獲得訊息。在網頁上可獲得最多的資訊依序是急診主任(96.3%),師資人數(74.1%),以及師資之介紹(63%)。網站資訊是否存在與是否爲醫學中心相關,但是與醫院之地理位置、是否爲醫學院附設醫院及住院醫師人數無關。 結論:目前許多急診科部有網際網路資訊,但是對於想申請急診住院醫師訓練的醫學生而言,這些資訊並不充足。建議急診醫學住院醫師訓練醫院應建立完整以及標凖格式的網站資訊,以提供住院醫師申請者了解訓練醫院的機會並提昇急診醫學專科在台灣的形象。


Purpose: To evaluate the presence of emergency medicine residency programs on the Internet and the extent of information resources available in Taiwan. Design: Prospective sampling of the Internet presence of emergency medicine programs. Methods: Information on emergency medicine residency programs listed on websites was evaluated. Departmental websites were accessed directly from search engines. Each site was assessed for the presence, extent, and type of postings in relation to the following four major categories: contact information, training contents, faculty and research, patient care and benefit. Results: Thirty-nine training programs were found in Taiwan in 2003. Moreover, 27 of these programs had relevant websites numbered (79.2%). Website resources were highest in chairman's names (96.3%), numbers of faculty (74.1%), and description of faculty (63%). Web resource available was correlated with medical center program, but not with training hospital site, medical school support, or number of trainees approved. Conclusions: Many departments have a web presence, but limited resources are available for emergency medicine residency applicants in Taiwan. To promoted the image of emergency medicine in Taiwan and provide equal opportunities for both applicants and training programs, websites containing comprehensive and standardized structures should be implanted for our specialty.
