

背景:國內常舉辦龍舟賽,但活動中傷病發生及醫療救護需求情形未曾被探討過。 方法:在2000年六月9至11日三天,在台北市基隆河大直段,針對共有1850位選手,約1000位工作人員,及上萬觀衆或遊客之台北龍舟國際邀請賽。每天由一位醫學中心的急診醫師,二位市立醫院醫師和二位護士,攜帶電擊器等必要急救裝備,分別駐診在二個醫療站,由二輛救護車在現場待命,參與可做高級心臓救命術的醫療服務。以預先設計的病患處置表格,記錄搜集病患資料及處理情形,以初步瞭解台北龍舟國際邀請賽中病患的病況及緊急醫療救護需求,並同時予以積極治療,以保障選手、工作人員、觀衆或遊客的安全。 結果:三天共服務62位病患,其中第一天有14位病患,第二天25位,第三天23位,;病患年齡由3至53歲,平均爲24.4±9.4歲;其中男性49人(80%),女性13人(29%),。病患中選手有52(84%)位,工作人員有3位,觀衆有7位,選手的醫療使用率爲2.86%。除了第三天有1名觀衆不慎由3公尺高之看臺跌下送醫外,其他病患皆於現場治療後自行離開。病患的症狀中以擦/裂/刺傷最多有34人(55%),其次依序爲拉/扭/鈍傷有有13人(20%)、腹痛有5人(8%)、其他5人(8%)、發燒/上呼吸道感染有3人(5%)、燒/燙傷有2人(3%);外傷病患中,受傷部位以下肢最多,其次是上肢。其中比較特別的是有11人同樣的虎口擦傷。需BLS處理者有55位佔(89%),需ALS處理才安全者有7位(11%)。只有一位病患由救護車送到醫院,救護車運送率爲(1.6%)。 結論:龍舟賽是每年端午節中國人非常重要的民俗競賽活動,在台灣端午節幾乎各縣市都會舉辦龍舟賽,每年參與活動的群衆總人數,應在百萬人以上,重大傷病時有所聞,此次醫療較特別的發現是有11位選手,皆發生手的虎口位置磨傷現象,如能推廣護具的使用,想必應可大幅減少這種病患的發生,本文爲國內首次龍舟賽傷病報告,未來卻有效建立國內相關活動醫療制度,仍有待進行更大規模的研究,才能更有效地保障參與活動群衆之生命安全。


Background: Dragon Boat Race is a common activity in Taiwan. There are no reports on the characteristics of the patients seen and the needs of the medical services at the dragon boat races. Methods: Medical care for a Dragon Boat race which was held on Keelung River in Taipei city was coordinated by emergency physicians of a medical center. Two stations were set up for medical care. Each station was staffed by one physician and two nurses, and was equipped with facilities able to perform advanced life support. A standardized form was used to collect information including demographic data, the patient's identification, time and problems of patient visit, positive physical findings, tentative diagnoses, treatments and dispositions. Each chart was recorded by medical staff and checked by either physicians or nurses. Results: 1850 athletes and thousands of attendees participated in this three-day race. A total of 62 cases visited the medical stations with 14 cases during the first day, 25 during the second day, and 23 cases during the third day. The ages ranged from three to 53 years, with an average age of 24.4±9.4. Thirteen cases were female and 49 were male. Fifty-two cases (84%) were athletes, seven were spectators, and five were on-duty staff. The medical use rate for athletes was roughly 2.86%. The most common major problem was abrasion and/or laceration which accounted for 31cases (49%). The most common area of injury was the lower legs. Eleven cases (18%) suffered from abrasion wounds between the thumb and pointer finger. Seven cases (11%) were classified as requiring advanced life support and 55 cases (91%) as requiring basic life support. Most cases improved and were discharged after onsite treatment. Only one case was transferred by ambulance due to a falling down accident from a platform measuring three-meters in height. The ambulance transfer rate was 1.6%. Conclusions: Dragon Boat Race is a very important festival in Chinese society. More than millions of people participate these events annually in Taiwan. Severe cases were occasionally reported. We encountered two severe cases in this event. They recovered completely after treatment finally. The abrasion injury between the thumb and pointer finger is a very common injury in this Dragon Boat Racing. Wearing protective gloves may protect the athletes from this kind of injury. A well-designed EMS system is mandatory to provide services fro these events.


dragon boat race mass gatherings EMS


