  • 期刊


KDOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for Vascular Access: 2019


血液透析(hemodialysis)在全世界大多數國家(包括美國)是最常被選擇的腎臟替代療法,改善患者的存活率和生活品質與透析效率息息相關,而血液透析清除率確實相當取決於患者血管通路(vascular access)的形態與功能。針對血液透析血管通路此一重要議題,美國腎臟基金會(National Kidney Foundation)於2019年4月的《美國腎臟病雜誌》(American Journal of Kidney Diseases)發表了最新修定的《腎臟疾病預後品質綱領》(Kidney Disease Outcome Quality Initiative)之血液透析血管通路準則(合計有26項)。我們將分成上、下兩部分摘要陳述這些準則中已具醫學實證的重要內容。證據等級僅專家意見部分省略。


Hemodialysis continues to be the most prevalent modality of kidney replacement therapy in the United States. Longevity on dialysis is directly proportional to the quality of dialysis, and that quality, in turn, depends on the reliability and integrity of the access to the patient's vascular system. This crucial connection is known as hemodialysis vascular access. The latest Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) Clinical Practice Guidelines for Vascular Access: 2018 was published in April 2019, which represents a fresh approach to vascular access care. Here, we share the KDOQI 2018 guidelines, which include 26 guideline statements. We only choose evidence-based guidelines to list in these two manuscripts.
