  • 期刊


Supracrestal Ridge Augmentation for Dental Implant


引導骨再生術應用於植牙所面臨的骨缺損,正蓬勃發展。然而運用此技術於脊上牙嵴增進(supracrestal ridge augmentation),文獻多為動物研究或臨床病例分析, 效果也較不可預測。本文將討論以骨再生技術所增高的骨量,臨床面臨的問題,可運用的方法及材料,並提出可吸收性阻隔膜的牙嵴增高效果。藉由以上的討論,使我們對嵴上牙脊增進術的病患選擇、臨床步驟及治療效果有更進一步的了解。


Guided bone regeneration techniques have been successfully applied in the treatment of peri-implant bone defects and for increasing the width of the alveolar ridge. However, there was a lack of predictable results concerning supracrestal ridge augmentation. In order to achieve vertical bone apposition, titanium-reinforced membranes combined with miniscrews have been utilized. The clinical studies suggested that bone graft materials were a necessary adjunct for vertical bone regeneration. In animal investigations, bone substitute materials showed no additional benefit in facilitating vertical bone formation, especially when allograft was used. Among the barrier materials tested, nonresorbable membranes have been shown the most effective because they provide the greater amount of bone regeneration. The bioabsorbable barriers showed lack of spacemaking characteristics. The clinician must carefully assess the limitations of a biodegradable barrier when performing guided bone regeneration for supracrestal ridge augmentation.
