  • 期刊


Osteoporosis in Athletes: Diagnosis and Treatment


骨質疏鬆症(Osteoporosis)是一種普遍卻不易被察覺的骨骼代謝疾病,其定義乃是因為骨骼中骨量(bone mass)減少所導致的骨骼脆性增加。主要的影響因子為個人生活習慣,例如不良飲食習慣,缺乏日照與接受特殊化學治療等。設計良好的運動,應該是讓全身各主要肌群皆能參與運動,本文內容針對多位專家學者對適當之運動方式以及運動對骨質疏鬆症之關係,從生物化學機轉改變來證明運動對骨質疏鬆具有正面意義。 近年來運動與骨質鬆症之關係,逐漸受到重視。規律的運動可使運動員有效增進骨量,荷重式運動對於停經後婦女能有效防止骨質流失。女性運動員在少數年輕芭蕾舞選手由於飲食不止常,無經症,亦會造成骨質流失,本文即針對骨質疏鬆症的診斷,以及中西醫預防處方與治療趨向,作一回顧性探討。


骨質密度 骨質疏鬆 骨量


Osteoporosis often termed silent epidemic, has been defined as a non reversible decrease in bone mass and architectural deterioration of bon tissue, leading to bone fragility and fracture risk. Many factors are involved increasing life such as: wrong diet, low exposure to sunshine, chemotherapy, heparin and other drugs. Physical activity has been shown to maintain bone mineral density (BMD) through. In this study will to integrate discuss the effects of mechanical loading on bone metabolism. Regular high intensity exercise will help increase bone density. Strength exercise can maintain bone density not only through mechanical loading, but also through biochemical changes in free ionized calcium, blood pH which can positively affect bone density. The effect of exercise on bone health has received much attention in recent years. Regular exercise training provide beneficial effect on athlete's bone mineral density (BMD). Weight-bearing exercise practice possible suppress a post menopausal decline in bone density for preventing osteoporosis form developing. The female athlete due to disordered eating, amenorrhea and osteoporosis of hormonal nutritional mechanical and genetic factors on bone health in the young female athlete. In this review issue, we wanna discuss about how to diagnosis and get the result of there efforts (Chinese herb and drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis) and in order to justify treatment is has to be shown that it also decrease fracture incidence.


Bone Mineral Density Bsteoporosis Bone Mass
