  • 期刊

A Semiotic Study of Appropriating Ancient Cultural Texts in Creative Design to Enhance Digital Innovation



在二十一世紀數位化再現以保存文化資產已然蔚為主流。革命性的數位化創新使得藝術與影像設計的本質、形式和美學意涵具體改變。本創意符號設計研究試圖以三個設計個案實踐,賦予傳統文化資產新生命;其一,作者針對當代藝術家布蘭特.威爾生(美)的藝術家手札設計內容,進行跨文化、多元性(meeting variability)象徵寓意的影像符號編碼,以形成藝術家專訪之紀錄片【Plundering and Preserving China】,說明美籍藝術家受到在中國旅程中於坊間蒐集的插畫圖文書籍如三國演義、毛澤東詩文傳奇等影響,後續進行反思性的手札創作;再者,作者運用數位影音編輯系統,以符號式分析方式解構中國宋朝詞人,蘇軾【水調歌頭】與【水龍吟】兩闕詞文,在當代創作新詮釋,產生具古今迴映關係的後設符碼轉譯(semiotic transcoding)。此創作研究運用後設設計語言(meta language as the Design),將英國伯明罕學派霍爾(Stuart Hall)所稱「解碼」(decoding)過程中所拆解的各個象徵意符(signifiers)轉換置入觀影結構中,進行再製「編碼」(encoding),以幫助觀者去想像、去探索東方古老文化之美。文中所運用的三個個案研究同時彰顯閱聽者的跨文本(the inter-textual texts)的解釋權,運用影像、音律、色彩意象等造境,尊重閱聽者於設計符號釋意時,個人對中華文化文本內容的挪用和其內涵意蘊的瞭解,俾使當代東西方文化跨界互融下,能推動強調與文化脈絡結合,形塑觀者或藝術活動之參與者成知與認知兼備的後設解讀。作者認為這種當代再現歷史性文本及文化資產的符號設計形式,能激發出新的影音整合的成知,使觀者後設解讀時找到新的角度和延伸建構出廻映古今的創造性想像。


Flourishing in the 21st century, the digital representation becomes the dominant art form in providing long-term digitalized access to cultural heritage. The innovation of digital devices has revolutionized the status quo of arts and image design, the way in which they are contemplated, and through the forms of art that produce activities and aesthetics concepts. There are three arts and design practices within this article, which deal with textual visualization applied in representing literal texts and creating artworks in relation to the Oriental cultural heritage. The studies especially focused on two main characteristics in conducting digital representation, such as variability, and transcoding. There are certain steps included to enhance the innovation and sustainability in providing long-term digitalized access to cultural heritage as follows: First, meeting variability: The researcher conducted a documentary film, entitled as 【Plundering and Preserving China】(2004), to discuss the significance of Brent Wilson's artworks as illustrated books displayed in relation to his story of wondering travel around China. By appropriating old Chinese illustrated books-a six volume story of the pre-dynamic Three Kingdoms, a worn copy of Chairman Mao's poetry to discuss the artist's self-reflection. Second, semiotic transcoding: The researcher and her students integrated digital editing system while making digital images for interpreting several traditional Chinese lyric poems written by Su Shih in Sung Dynasty (circa. the 11th century), and to make a digitalized language of film to recognize the Chinese literati aesthetics during 2008-2010. The researcher employs case studies to discuss how to exhibit the inter-textual texts, including sounds, images and archive data in the artistic practices in terms of the meta-interpretation approach. Therefore, the cultural-lyrical data are visualized and transcoded into specific images and films, and installations to introduce the underlying cultural heritage, as well as with sound effects to stimulate viewers' imagination of the time and the underlying environment between the past time and the present.


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