

原發性腎臟神經內分泌上皮細胞癌是一種非常罕見的惡性腫瘤。本文報告一例此種罕見惡性腫瘤合併頸部淋巴結轉移的表現。影像上,腹部電腦斷層顯示左側腎臟有一顆8公分大的腫瘤浸潤,頸部電腦斷層則出現兩側多發性淋巴結轉移。病患於化學治療後進行左側腎臟切除及腹腔淋巴結清除手術。組織學上,病理診斷為原發性腎臟柙經內分泌上皮細胞癌。免疫組織化學染色上,腫瘤細胞可被 AE3,chromogranin and synaptophysin 等三種特殊抗體所染上。病患術後頸部再度出現多發性疼痛腫塊,腹部及頸部電腦斷層追蹤則顯示骨盆腔局部淋巴結再復發且合併頸部淋巴結多處轉移。病患於左側腎臟腫瘤切除後八個月過世。


Primary neuroendocrine carcinoma of the kidney is an extremely rare neoplasm. We report a case of primary renal neuroendocrine carcinoma with neck lymph node metastasis. Abdominal CT scan showed an 8 cm infiltrating mass with central necrosis over the upper pole of the left kidney. A CT scan of the neck revealed multiple necrotic lymph nodes on both sides of the supraclavicular fossa and left lower posterior triangle. Radical nephrectomy was performed after chemotherapy. Histologically, the tumor revealed neuroendocrine carcinoma of the kidney. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells demonstrated immunoreactivity for AE3, chromogranin and synaptophysin. Local recurrence was noted after surgery and the patient died8 months after presentation.
