  • 期刊


Influence of Different Ankle Protective Braces on Balance in Normal Adolescents


目的 踝關節韌帶扭傷為十分常見的問題,使用保護性器具預防踝關節扭傷是常用之策略,然而過去之研究並未深入探討使用踝關節保護措施對於平衡能力之影響,本研究的目的在於探討使用踝關節貼紮或護具對於一般年輕人在平衡能力之影響。 方法 本研究共12名男性受試者參與,以重複量測方式,分別在三種不同站立方式、四種不同感覺輸入以及六種不同踝關節保護狀況下,探討對於平衡能力的影響。受試者以平衡大師系統測試平衡能力,並且計算缺乏視覺輸入之平衡指數、缺乏穩定平面之平衡指數、綜合感覺輸入指數在不同站立方式與踝關節護具下的表現。 結果 雙腳站立下的平衡分數與缺乏視覺輸入平衡指數顯著高於兩側單腳站立,綜合感覺輸入指數顯著低於慣用腳單腳站立。單腳站立時受到視覺干擾比本體感覺干擾造成平衡能力下降更多。穿著運動鞋時,進一步干擾視覺輸入,平衡能力顯著下降,踝關節護具可以減少視覺干擾對於穿著運動鞋時平衡能力的影響。 結論 干擾視覺與本體感覺輸入都造成平衡能力的下降,干擾兩者則下降更多。平衡能力受到站立方式與感覺輸入的交互作用影響,平衡能力也受到踝關節護具與感覺輸入交互作用的影響。


Objectives. Protective braces and adhesive taping are two methods commonly used to prevent ankle sprain. However, no previous research has explored the effects of ankle protective devices on balance. The pupose of this study was to incestigate the influence of adhesive taping, running shoes and ankles braces on balance. Methods. A total of 12 men (age range, 18 to 22 years) participated in this study. The raw balance scores and three balance indices were evaluated in three different stances, four different sensory input conditions and six different ankle protective conditions by the Balance master system. Within-subject factors were examined by repeated measure analysis. Results. Balance score and absent vision balance index were higher in double stance than in single stance bilaterally. In single stance, balance was influenced more by visual input than by proprioceptive input. When visual input was blocked, the balance score of individuals wearing shoes with ankle orthorics decreased less than the scroes of individvals wearing normal shoes. Conclusions. Visual and proprioceptive affects balance, but both combined interfere with balance to a greater degree. Balance is affected by interaction between sensory input and stance pattern as well as between sensory input and ankle protection.


balance brace proprioceptive input shoes taping visual input


