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Discussion on TCM Prescriptions for Common Colds During Pregnancy from TCM Classics




Aim: The constitution of pregnant women are different from that of ordinary people. In this study, we attempt to integrate the treatment methods, contraindications, and common prescriptions of gestational common cold. Methods: The chapters related to gestational common cold such as typhoid fever, febrile disease, and cough during pregnancy in the maternity classics "Gynecology Hundred Questions", " Fu Ren DA Quan Liang Fang" and "Yi Zong Jin Jian.Fu Ke Xin Fa Yao Jue" were sorted out. Conclusions: 1. Commonly used prescriptions for gestational common cold include various Baidu San formulas, various Chaihu Tang formulas excluding Pinellia ternata, welsh onion soup with ginger, or various Gegen Tang formulas. 2. For exogenous pregnancy symptoms, adherence to the principle of "whatever is the syndrome, what is the medicine", and superficies-resolving formula is allowed to ues, but excessive sweating should be avoided. It can also be combined with tocolysis agent and tonifying drugs at the same time.


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清吳謙等編,《醫宗金鑑 • 婦科心法要訣》,1742 年。檢索自:https://pse.is/4vuvb5
Guyton and Hall 原著,《新編醫用生理學修訂版》。合記圖書出版社,台北,2000 年,p. 1033-1044
姚美玉著,《經方治女病姚美玉婦科經驗集》。中國中醫藥出版社,北京,2011,p. 118-150
