  • 期刊


Auditory Capacity Performance of Cochlea Implanted Children



十五名具全聾及極重度的聽障兒童在完成人工電子耳手術一年後蹤其聽知覺能力改變狀況,探討人工電子耳術臨床運用,聽知覺能力與手術年齡之相關性。十五名個案以施行手術年齡分為六歲以下手衛者A組七例(手衛平均年齡4:7歲)與六歲以上施行手術者b組八例 (手術平均年齡7:7歲)兩組,進行聽知覺能力評量的組間比較。聽知覺能力的評量方法分四類:客觀性聽閾值與語音察覺值、主觀性家居聽能四點量表、國語語音聽知覺測驗庫、畢保德圖畫詞彙聽解測驗。手術後一年的追蹤結果顯示,十五名個案的聽闢值達45dB、語音察覺值平均達 為35dB;居家聽能表現A、B兩組百分比分數分別為72與69;語音聽知覺表現兩組百分比分數為55與50;畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗兩組標準分數平均為81與68,均比術前顯著提昇;但兩組間的聽閾值、聽知覺能力各項表現A組的成績均比B組佳,但並未達顯著水準。相關分析顯示十五名個案之聽知覺能力表現均與手術年齡呈現負相關,而畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗分數達顯著水準 (p=0.009)。本研究可提供臨床相關專業人士暸解人工電子耳個案的表現狀況,並對影響兩組表現的因素在文中討論。


Background Cochlear implantation can facilitate the deaf and the profoundly hearing impaired to expand their auditory capacity. However, it is important to investigate clinical data of auditory benefits for the implanted subjects and the contributing factors of their auditory performance after implantation. Purpose The purpose of this investigation is to document clinical auditory performance of fifteen implanted children one year after implantation and its correlation with age at implantation. Design Fifteen children implanted with the Nucleus 22-channel SPEAK device with one-year implant use were divided to two groups according to their age at implantation. Group A included seven implanted children with a mean age at implantation 4:7 and group B included eight children with mean age at implantation 7:7. Fifteen children's auditory capacity one year after implantation had been assessed with four measures, CI aided hearing thresholds and speech detection thresholds (SDT), the Meaningful Integration Scale (MAIS) (Robbins et al, 1991), the Chinese Speech Perception Test Battery), (Cheng, 1996), and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. Fifteen children's auditory capacity performance was compared with between- group design and the correlation between auditory capacity and age of implantation was also analyzed. Results The results of this investigation showed that CI hearing thresholds and SDT of fifteen children have reached 45dB. Two groups reached 72% and 69% respectively on the MAIS performance. The speech perception performance of two groups showed 55% and 50% respectively with the highest score 85% on the pattern categorization discrimination and the lowest score of 26% on the open-set phrase comprehension between two groups. The PPVT result indicated 81 and 68 average standard scores for both groups. Overall, group A performed better than group B on the fore measures, but they did not reach significance level between two groups. There was a negative correlation between auditory capacity performance of fifteen children and their ages at implantation, but only the PPVT performance reached the significance level (r=-0.64; p=0.009). Conclusions Fifteen cochlea implanted children did significantly improve their auditory capacity performance compared with that one-year before implantation, but none of the performance has reached significance level which may result from a small sample size, within subjects variance, and short listening experience and other contributing factors.


