  • 期刊

Repeated Maximal Voluntary Eccentric Exercises: Effects on Muscle Damage and Function



本研究的目的,在於探討第1回合30次高強度離心收縮後正值總作功下降率和肌肉酸痛最明顯的時候,繼續讓受試者進行1回合高反複次數離心收縮訓練對肌肉損傷和肌肉功能評估指標的影響。本研究是以一群大學健康男性學生做為研究對象,並根據他們的前測肌力值,以配對隨機方式分成實驗-1組(EX-1,n=9)、實驗-2組(EX-2,n=8)和控制組(CON,n=9)。在實驗正式測試的第1天,使用Cybex 6000等速肌力儀器,將轉速設定在60秒/度,讓所有受試者進行1回合30次最大自主性等速離心收縮(ECC1),使其非慣用手的肱二頭肌引起很明顯的肌肉損傷。實驗-1組和實驗-2組受試者則須在MAX1後第3天時,繼續進行1回合70和30次最大自主性等速離心收縮訓練(ECC2)。所有受試者須在ECC1和ECC2之前、後以及在ECC1之後第1-9天,各接受一次等長肌力(MIF)、關節活動範圍(ROM)和上臂圍(CIR)的測量。血液CK活性值和肌肉酸痛的分析,則在ECC1之前、後以及在ECC1之後第1-9天。結果發現不同三組之間的受試者在ECC1之後,所有的依變項均產生很明顯的變化(p<0.05);但是,在ECC2之後,這些依變項卻沒有進一步發生改變(p>0.05)。結論:在第1回合30次高強度離心收縮後,而且在肌肉損傷和酸痛還未完前恢復之前,繼續讓受試者進行1回合70次高反複次數離心收縮訓練時並不會對肌肉損傷和肌肉功能造成進一步負面的影響。因此,本研究的資料可能可以提供給運動教練在督促選手或體育運動熱愛者在引起肌肉損傷和肌肉酸痛時參考。然而,肌肉產生這種保護作用的機制,仍有待進一步的探究才能揭曉。


The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of an extra repeated maximal isokinetic eccentric exercise at the point of greatest total work loss and muscle soreness on the indicators of muscle damage and function. A group of college-age males was randomly assigned to experimental-1 (EX-1, n=9),experimental-2 (EX-2, n=8) and control (CON, n=9) groups. The first exercise was 30 repetitions of maximal voluntary isokinetic eccentric contraction (ECC1) on non-dominant elbow flexors with Cybex 6000 at 60 °/s angular velocity. The EX-1 and EX-2 performed a bout of 70 and 30 reps eccentric exercise, respectively, 3 days (d) after ECC1 (referred to as ECC2). Upper arm circumference (CIR), range of motion (ROM), and maximal isometric force (MIF) were measured before, immediately after, and every 24 hours (h) for 9 consecutive d after ECC1. Plasma creatine kinase (CK) activity and muscle soreness were assessed before and for 9 days after ECC1. Results showed that the ECC1 produced significant changes in all parameters measured for all groups (p<0.05). However, no indicators of increased damage (p>0.05) were found from ECC2 for the EX-1 and EX-2. It is concluded that an extra bout of 70 reps eccentric exercise with damaged muscles 3 days after ECC1 did not produce further muscle damage and function nor did it affect the recovery process. Therefore, the results of this study may provide some information for coaches and athletes during periods of muscle damage and muscle soreness. However, the actual mechanism of this effect remains to be examined.
