  • 期刊


An Evaluation of the General Education: Chung Yuan Christian University


本研究的目的是引用評鑑模式中的過程評鑑、結果評鑑之概念,評鑑通識教育實施的成效,使通識教育的課程改革有所依據。本研究採用準實驗法,研究對象為中原大學修習通識課程的學生 2225 位以及通識教師 34 位,進行問卷調查。 本研究採用了四份問卷:1.修訂潘正德(民 83 )所編之量表而成的「大學教師通識教育課程觀念調查表」,在期初針對所有通識教師進行問卷調查;2.自編之「通識教育課程實施過程意見調查表」、3.自編之「通識教育課程意見調查表」、4.自褊之「通識教育課程實施結果意見調查表」,對所抽樣到的班級學生進行問卷調查。結果發現: (一)通識教師的通識教育觀念都相當正確;教師的性別、年齡別、職等、職稱以及是否接受過「全人教育」的宣導,與教師的通識教育基本觀念之間,都沒有顯著的關聯。 (二)學生每學期參加通識活動的情形,以1~2次最多,參與的活動以電影欣賞為主。絕大多數的同學都認為通識活動有助於通識教育目標的達成。 (三)在本研究調查前,大部份的學生都知道中原大學的教育理念是「全人教育」,訊息來源主要來自校長的宣導;大部份學生都認同此理念之詮釋,認同的主要理由是因為學生認為教育理念本應如此,不認同的主要理由則是認為理念太高,無法落實;大部份學生也認同通識課程之設計基礎,認同的主要理由是因為理念良好,不認同的主要理由則是學生認為學校並未完全徹底實施;學生認為通識教育規劃的主要優點是課程多元化,主要缺點是開課類別及班級數太少,大部份的學生都建議通識課程應該增加開課類別以及班級數,且依學生的需求增減開課班級。 (四)根據教師基本觀念的得分而分組的「實驗組一」以及「實驗組二」,在「過程評鑑」的總得分有顯著差異;在「結果評鑑」的總得分沒有顯著差異。 (五)不論「實驗組一」或「實驗組二」,其在「過程評鑑」與「結果評鑑」的得分均達顯著相關。 (六)性別以及正修習學分數不同的學生,在「過程評鑑」、「結果評鑑」的總得分上都沒有顯著差異;而學院別、年級別不同之學生,在「過程評鑑」、「結果評鑑」的總得分則有顯著差異,其中以工學院或高年級的學生得分最高。 (七)課程類別的不同,會造成學生在「過程評鑑」、「結果評鑑」的總得分上有顯著差異。在兩種評鑑中分別以「人」類課程群、「物」類課程群的得分最高。 整體而言,通識教師對通識教育的認知都相當正確;通識教師的基本觀念對於「過程評鑑」有顯著的影響;無論是「過程評鑑」或是「結果評鑑」,學生對通識課程的滿意度會受年級別、學院別、課程類別影響;以上這些結果都可以讓通識教育政策制定者作為參考。


The purposes of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of general education. Thirty-four teachers and 2225 students involved in the survey study. The study applied quasi-experimental design to survey the teachers’ basic concepts toward general education, and assess how their basic concepts had impact on the students. Four questionnaires were used in this study: 1.the questionnaire of concept of general education. 2.the questionnaire of the process of general education. 3.the questionnaire of opinion towards general educational courses. 4.the questionnaire of the outcome of the general education. The results were summarized as follows: (1) The teachers’ concepts toward general education were appropriate. The teacher’s demo-graphic variables were not correlated with their basic concepts of general education. (2) Regarding implicit curriculum of general education, the most popular activity is commentary on movies. Most students think the general educational activity is important to general education. (3) Most students acknowledged the educational objective is the holistic education. Most students, identify the idea. Most students also identify the course design of general education. Most students suggested need to be in-creased according the need of students. (4) Group 1 and group 2 were divided on the basis of teachers’ concepts toward general education. There two groups have significant difference of the total score in process evaluation but have no significant difference in product evaluation. (5) Both group 1 and group 2 had significant correlation between process and product evaluation. (6) The background variables such as college and years had significant difference in total scores of process and product evaluation. (7) The nature of courses had significant difference in both process and product evaluation. The results above would have implications for the decision-maker of course design of general education.


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