  • 期刊


Examine the Psychometric Foundations of the Health Belief Model-Illustration of Helmet Use among Adolescent Motorcycle Passengers


應用於預測各類社會、健康與疾病行為之健康信念模式,過去曾經由於預測力偏低而受到不少的質疑,然而此問題的關鍵就在於此模式各成份量表之測量問題上,所以本研究直接的目的就在於設計與發展此模式各成份量表,探討此模式之測量理論基礎,以及建立量表編製的標準化程序,而間接的目的則在於提供未來應用此模式之測量理論基礎,以預測青少年搭機車戴安全帽之行為。根據本研究所提出的五個基本步驟,以實際問題為例應用開放式引導問卷蒐集重要的信念,設計與發展此模式各成份量表,並先經問卷預試,以初步建立此模式測量理論基礎,隨後再經正式問卷施測,以完成量表的驗證性確認分析。結果發現在形成階段這些量表之內容取樣是相當適切的,項目反應累加百分比均在 80 %以上,在預試階段這些量表經驗證性因素分析顯示均具有良好的建構效度、同時效度與預測效度,模式適配指標均在 0 叩以上,同時多變項變異數分析顯示這些量表具有良好的區別效度,而且內部一致性與重測信度也達到可以接受的範圍以上,內部一致性與重測信度係數分別均在 0.80、0.50以上,最後在正式施測階段這些量表亦受到資料再一次的驗證性確認。然而,目前此模式對於行為動機與行為的效標關聯效度卻仍然有若干的限制,不過此限制並不是因為此模式測量理論基礎所導致的。


Having been applied to predict all varieties of social, health, and illness behaviors, the health belief model was put considerable questions exactly because of its lower predictive power. However, the key point consists in the measurement of the scales of health belief model. Therefore, the purpose of this study is directly to develop the scales of the health belief model, to examine the psychometric foundations of the health belief model, to establish the standardized procedures of the scales of the health belief model, and indirectly to provide the application of the health belief model to the helmet use among adolescent motorcycle passengers. Under the five basic steps in this study, the salient beliefs in the illustrated example were collected via the open-ended questionnaire, and the scales of the health belief model were developed. The pretest was utilized to examine the psychometric foundations of the health belief model. The posttest was taken full advantage of confirming the scales of the health belief model. It was found that the content validity of the scales was very adequate in item sampling more than 80%. At the stage of the pretest, the scales had good construct validity (over 0.90), concurrent validity, predictive validity, discriminant validity, internal consistency (over 0.80), and test-retest reliabilities (over 0.50). At the stage of the formal test, the validity and the reliabilities of the scales were identified once again by the empirical data. However, the criterion-related validity of the health belief model to the behavioral intention and the behavior had still several limitations, which were not from the psychometric foundations of the health belief model.


王清雅(2009)。臺北市大安區某國中學生餐後潔牙行為及其相關因素之研究 --健康信念模式之應用〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315164482
