  • 期刊


The Effects of Outsourcing and Foreign Direct Investment on Productivity and Wage


本文修正Egger et al. (2001)所提出的總要素生産力方程式及工資方程式,加入對外直接投資,以分析台灣對大陸進行委外代工生産與直接投資對國內各製造業生産力及工資之影響。實證上以1989年至2001年間13項中分類製造業爲對象,利用固定效果模型進行推估。 實證結果顯示,台灣對大陸進行委外代工生産與直接投資,在剔除特定行業後,不利於國內各製造業生産力的提升,但有助於工資的改善(尤其是高技術勞動);資本密集度高於全體製造業平均水凖的産業,在排除特定特業下,有利於其生産力與工資的改善,至於資本報酬的提升則不顯著。高技術勞動力與低技術勞動力比例低於全體製造業平均水凖的産業,對大陸進行直接投資,有利於其生産力與工資的改善,不過在排除特定行業下,此效果將不顯著。此外,委外代工與直接投資對總要素生産力與工資變動的影響,將隨産業不同而有異。


By adding a new variable ”FDI” into total factor productivity equation and wage equation, derived by Egger, Pfaffermayr, and Schnitzer (2001), this paper tries to examine the effects of Taiwan's outsourcing and FDI in Mainland China on productivity and wages by utilizing pooled estimation. The empirical results include: Outsourcing and FDI participated by Taiwan's manufacturing industries in Mainland China significantly have negative impacts on productivity and wages. Wages of low-skilled workers and high-skilled workers would be improved as a result of outsourcing and FDI, but the effect of outsourcing and FDI on capital rewards is not significant Furthermore, increasing the degree of economic openness with respect to Main-land China will have positive influences on Taiwan's productivity and wages.
