  • 期刊


The Idea of Curriculum Planning on Asia-Pacific Study in General Education


隨著國際互動關係的日趨頻繁,國與國之間的相互影響與依賴性與日增強。因此,如何透過區域研究的通識課程,使學生能以寬闊的胸襟去瞭解與尊重來自不同文化的民族,實具有極深遠的意義。 亞太區域通識教育的目標,即在於提供學生一接觸與瞭解亞太地區多元文化的機會,培養學生對不同社會與族群的積極態度與關懷。然而,通識教育目標是否能有效落實,則有賴於課程的規劃。基本上,在選擇亞太區域通識課程的內容時,宜強調各課程間的整體性、關連性與實際性。對於課程內容的組織順序,則應秉持由易入難,由淺入深,由具體到抽象的順序原則。


With the intensive development of interaction in international society, the interdependence between countries has been increasingly strengthen. Therefore, how to develop the student with a broad mind to understand and respect the other peoples from different culture through general education has become a matter of our great concern. The purpose of Asia-Pacific study in general education is to provide students with chance to understand the multicultural societies in the area and furthermore to cultivate the student’s positive attitude toward different ethnic groups. The effectiveness of Asia-Pacific study in general education depends greatly on the curriculum planning. Basically, in the selection of curriculum contents, the principles of integration, correlation and practicality should be taken into great consideration. As to the organization of curriculum contents, the principles of sequence are: (1) proceeding from the simple to the more complex, (2) from the easiness to the difficulty, and (3) from the concrete to the abstract.
