  • 期刊


The Value of "Poetry of the Tang Dynasty" in College General Education


本文為黃俊傑先生帶領的《以中國傳統文化為本的通識教育內涵之研究》整合型計劃之第十二項子計劃。全文以《唐詩》的重要典籍為中心,進行其通識教育內涵與課程設計之研究。 基於學科整合與人文主義教育的立場,我國通識教育之推展不應只是西方教育理論的移植,而應注重中國傳統文化的內涵,使通識教育更能植基於中國傳統文化,同時也促使中國人文精神能具現代化意義。 詩是個體生命對應於群體社會、文化、政治、人際時所產生的內在世界之多元意涵,它一方面關係個體生命的情感、思想,二方面關到宇宙、人生、時代社會、歷史及其他人文範疇的認知,本文從歷代詩論及中西文論入手,比對通識教育宗旨,為唐詩教育提供可行的通識教育路徑。


詩歌 通識教育 唐詩


This paper is a sub-plan of the twelfth item in the integrated-type plan titled ”Study on the General Education Essence Based on Chinese Traditional Culture”. The subject will undertake the study on the general education essence and course's design by centering at the important classic of the ”Poetry of the Tang Dynasty”. Standing on the scientific integration and humanism education, emphasis in the development of our general education shall not merely on the transplanation of the western education theories but more on the essence of Chinese traditional culture but also advances our Chinese cultural spirit toward the modern significance. Poetry is the multifarious expression of the inner world brought forth by an individual life confronting community society, culture, politics and interpersonal relationship. It, on the one hand, concerns an individual emotion and ideas and, on the other hand, involves the recognition of the cosmos, life, contemporary society, history, and other humanistic fields. The paper completed, will strengthen the essence of general education and embody the cultural spirit of poetry education through the Chinese Poetry-theories.


General Education Poetry Education Teaching Tang Dynasty
