  • 期刊


Teaching and Self-criticism of Tzu-chin t'ung-chien


《資治通鑑》選讀作為大學通識教育課程之一有其一定的難度。然而經典它所蘊藏的深刻義涵和感人力量,應可提升學生的人文修養,值得我們在大學教育中加以推廣。八十四學年度下學期與八十五學年度上學期的「《資治通鑑》選讀」可以說是兩次教學實驗。我們基本上是從歷史知識的結構、與如何深入理解歷史情景這兩個角度來從事課程的設計;在課堂教學上,則根據上述兩項目標,在每一春中設計五至七個問題,學生課前閱讀,上課共同討論。希望藉以引導他們認識歷史知識的特性,培養他們深入理解過去的能力。 多數學生對這門課程持著肯定的態度,但這並不表示「《資治通鑑》選讀」達到了我們的理想目標。在所設計的問題之中,學生大多欠缺討論歷史知識結構的能力,我們似乎只能將重點放在理解時代的特色與人物的意圖方面;至於上課的實際狀況,則有一半以上的同學未曾加入討論。檢討其原因,主要是與學生的學習習慣和能力有關,也就是說,他們習慣於受現成的知識,視記憶為學習歷史時最重要,甚至是唯一的方法,而不知道學習歷史主要是培養理解過去的能力,需要從閱讀、分析、推理以及想像等方面去努力。我們的這門課程提供了培養能力的練習,學生雖然不能立即適應,卻頗覺有趣,並認為很有收穫。 經典選讀在通識教育中有其意義,但推行起來甚為困難,仍須多做實驗,不斷改進,方能收到具體成效。


There are difficulties to some extent for Tzu-chiz t'ung-chien to be a part of general education at college. However, the profound meaning and moving power of scriptures should be able to promote the humane cultivation of students and be worth popularizing in college education. ”Selected reading in Tzu-chih t'ungchien” in the second semester of '95 and the first semester of '96 could be two teaching experiments. Basically, we designed the course to lead students to know the characteristics of history and to develop them the ability of realizing affairs in the past form introducing structure of historical knowledge and how to seven issues in each volume which students previewed before class and discussed in class. Most students took affirmative attitudes toward this course, however, it couldn't express that the course had achieved our ideal goals. Among the designed issues, most students lacked the ability of discussing historical structures, it deemed that we could only put the point on realizing the specialty of times and intentions of characters, as to the actual situation in class, more than half class students didn't attend discussing. The reason was mainly concerned with learning habit and ability, that was, they were used to receiving ready-made knowledge and thought learning by heart was the most important, even the only one way of learning history. They didn't know that the purpose of learning history was to develop the ability of realizing affairs in the past, which should make efforts from reading, analysis, inference, imagination etc. This course offered practice of developing abilities, though students couldn't adapt to them immediately, they still felt them interested and had got a lot. Selections of scriptures have meaning in general education, but are difficult to popularize. If we want to get concrete effects, we still need to make more experiments and improvements.
