  • 期刊


The General Education of the Medical Humanities: A Perspective of Linguistics and Medical History


近年來社會發生了許多重大的疾病、健康事件,人們立刻重視非技術面、非醫學知識、非以實證為主的醫學問題,簡言之,就是醫學的人文問題。醫學與人文之間存在著很大的鴻溝嗎?有沒有可資通行的橋樑?為什麼社會上常發生有關醫學人文問題時,一般人很難進入這個領域發表較為專業的看法?這些問題長久以來,一直存在於人類社會之中。 大學的通識教育,旨在培養未來公民具備博雅、全人、獨立思考、倫理與道德思考的重要教育目標。因此,非醫學相關領域的學生在修習生命科學方面的課程時,常宥於生物科學方面的基礎了解之不足,而僅僅修習醫學與生活、實用保健等等課程,難以深入思考其人文層面的問題,以致於醫療改革的問題,醫療社會醫病關係不對等,以及醫療社會不平等的現實面均難以扭轉與捍動。 因此,本文就語言文字及醫學史兩個層面切入醫學的白色巨塔之中,亟待求取醫學與人文的結合,以期建立與傳統生命科學通識教育不同之新領域。


People value the non-technologic, non-medical evidence, and non-evidence medicine perspectives when the serious events of the health appear in the society in recent years. It reveals the importance of the medical humanities. The aims of the general education of the university are to develop the future citizen to enrich the liberal, whole person, independent thinking, ethics and morals thinking. Unfortunately, lack of the basic knowledge of the biology, the students of the related realm of the non-medical science will receive the medicine and life, practical health care, etc. while studying the curriculum of the life science. We find it is not enough and turns the medical society worse. The condition such as the social inequality should be changed. Therefore, this paper corresponds the medical tower for the linguistics and the medical history. Hope to create a new realm of the life education of the general education.


林慧屏(2009)。埔里基督教醫院附設護士學校(1958-1970) 之個案研究〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2009.00046
