  • 期刊

The Potential of Adding Artificial Fermented Liquid as a Supplemental Food for Growing the Copepod, Pseudodiaptomus annandalei

添加人工培養基醱酵液對培養模糊許水蚤(Pseudodiaptomus annandalei)的增殖探討


橈足類(Copepods)是海水魚苗的重要初期餌料生物之一,一般以微藻做爲培養橈足類的餌料,但培養藻類需要空間與時間。有鑑於此,本研究目標,乃以臺灣南部養殖池之優勢種且容易培養的橈足類模糊許水蚤(Pseudodiaptomus annandalei) 為培養種類,探討添加人工培養基釀酵液對培養模糊許水蚤的增殖可行性,做為未來大量及純種生產橈足類時,減少藻類之需求量及提供替代餌料之用。 本實驗將斑節蝦飼料粉末和人工培養基醱酵液直接添加於培養橈足類使用的等鞭金藻(Isochrysis galbana)藻水中, 進行增殖效果。在添加斑節蝦飼料粉末12.59 g/L,25.0 g/L和50.0 g/L三處理組劑量實驗,以添加12.5 g/L之劑量得到最佳增殖效果。另外,在添加人工培養基釀酵液實驗,以每日直接添加醱酵液於培養水槽中,經10日後,添加組的模糊許水蚤平均總數量2542尾為對照組1287尾的1.98倍,其橈足幼蟲(copepodid)與抱卵雌蟲分別為對照組的7.10倍與1.98倍,顯示添加人工培養基醱酵液對模糊許水蚤有顯著增殖效果,特別是促進雌蟲產卵及幼生發育。


Pseudodiaptomus annandalei is a calanoid copepod that has been used as a live food source for marine fish larvae in southern Taiwan. The aim of this study is to develop a technique to mass-produce P. annandalei to ensure a sufficient supply of live food for fish larvae rearing in the future. Copepods were reared on two types of food: 1) kuruma shrimp feed powder and 2) artificial fermented liquid containing a mixture of shrimp and eel feed powder. Females carrying egg sacs were reared at 15 psu of salinity and supplied with microalgae (Isochrysis galbana) as food. In the first experiment, three concentrations of kuruma shrimp feed powder (12.5 mg/L, 25.0 mg/L and 50.0 mg/I.) were a1ded to the culture water. Results showed that copepod growth was higher than the control tinder the 12.5 mg/I. concentration. In the second experiment, the total average copepod production in the treatment and control groups were 636 and 322 individuals/l00 ml. respectively. In the treatment group, copepodite and female adults with egg sacs were 7.10 and 1.94 times that of the control, respectively, Finally, the number of individuals in the treatment group was higher than the control for all developmental stages of the copepod. These data indicate that artificial fermented liquid as a supplemental food for growing copepod (P Annandalei) can promote the development of copepod and the maturation of female adults.


