  • 期刊


Studies of the Antioxidant Activity of Rutaceae Citrus Sulcata Extracts by Pressurized Liquid Extraction


甜檸檬為芸香科植物,產於新竹縣芎林鄉一帶,為柚子樹幹接枝檸檬樹枝之混合種果樹,當地人將其果皮製成茶品並作為健康食品飲用。本研究旨在進行食用植物甜檸檬果肉與果皮萃取物之抗氧化能力分析。實驗時以高壓萃取甜檸檬果皮與果肉,並以總多酚、總類黃酮、DPPH自由基清除率測定、TEAC當量法、鐵離子螯合能力、還原力測試等方法進行粗萃物抗氧化能力的評估。實驗結果顯示甜檸檬果皮、果肉萃取物與果汁之總多酚量、總類黃酮、DPPH自由基清除效率和TEAC值分別為:109.43±2.46、53.91±1.85和75.71±1.55 GAE (mg)/100 g樣品乾重、57.20±4.25,30.56±1.65和20.69±1.33 RE (mg)/100g樣品乾重、49.6%,34.5%和31.2%、236.52±3.89,118.19±8.70和88.79±2.12 μM。從本實驗證實以高壓萃取確實能有效萃取出抗氧化物質,且果皮的抗氧化能力高於果肉與果汁,而果皮在粗纖維與膳食纖維表現量上更是優於果肉,故如能將廢棄果皮加以利用,並萃取有效成份加以開發為健康食品是可行的。


甜檸檬 抗氧化


Rutaceae Citrus sulcata (local name, Sanbokan) is a Citrus fruit crop native to Chiunglin. It is a hybrid between Shaddock and Lemon. Local farmers make its peel into tea products as a healt food. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the antioxidative characteristics of the effective component extract of the flesh and peel of Rutaceae Citrus sulcata. The pressurized liquid extraction was used to extract the flesh and peel of Rutaceae Citrus sulcata. The total phenolic content, total flavonoid content, DPPH (1,1-dipheny-2-picrylhydrazyl) free radical scavenging activity, Trolox-Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC) assay , ferrous ion chelating activity, reducing power method, and anti oxidation capabilities of cell were used to evaluate the antioxidation ability of the extracts. Results reveal a total phenolic content, total flavonoid content, DPPH radical scavenging activity and Trolox equivalent (TEAC) of peel, flesh and juice were 109.43±2.46, 53.91±1.85, 75.71±1.55 GAE (mg)/100 g of sample dry weight, 57.20±4.25, 30.56±1.65, 20.69±1.33 RE (mg)/100 g of sample dry weight, 49.6%, 34.5%, 31.2% and 236 .52±3 .89, 118.19±8.70, 88.79±2.12 μM. From the results realize that pressurized liquid extraction indeed extraction the antioxidant component from Rutaceae Citrus sulcata, and the antioxidant capacity of peel higher than flesh and juice. Both of crude fiber and dietary fiber expression in peel is better than the flesh and juice. So that reutilizes the abandoned peel, and extract the ingredients to be a healthy food is the promising way.


Rutaceae Citrus sulcata antioxidant
