  • 期刊


The motion of a charged particle in a slow-varying magnetic field in the space




磁鏡 磁約束 數值計算 可視化 勞侖茲力


Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei come very close and then collide at a very high speed and join to form a new type of atomic nucleus. In order to proceed smoothly, these charged nuclei should stay at somewhere as long as possible. Magnetic field is a good method. Uniform magnetic field cannot lock these charged nuclei, yet some kind of slow-varying magnetic field with axial symmetry in the space can afford it. Our treatment is to place two magnetic dipoles at z=±a respectively. They will produce a magnetic field with strength stronger on both sides and weaker in the middle. Based on single-particle theory, the motion of a charged particles is to follow the Lorentz force law. Through theoretical analysis and numerical simulation, we found some particles satisfied to some conditions could be stationary in the magnetic bottle. The Matlab software is used to visualize the calculated results. In addition, we ignore the relativistic effect and the radiative effect of a charged particle under acceleration in all of our discussions.
