  • 期刊


Appraisal and Satisfaction among Staff Nurses in the Health Stations of Taiwan Province


本研究之目的在調查本省衛生所護理相關人員對其組織與工作內容之評價,以作為衛生機關未來改善基層衛生工作模式之參考。本研究係以郵寄問春式調查法,問卷表參考國內外相關調查報告製訂之。調查表經預試、專家效度及內在一致性信度測定(係數為0.86)等到試後使用。研究對象包括台灣省338所衛生所所有護理相關人員,包含護產人員(為衛生所中護士、公共衛生護士及助產士之總稱)、家計佐理員(以下簡稱家計員)、慢性病防治員(以下簡稱慢防員)等。總共寄出2,486份,實際回收2,359份問卷,回收率為94.9%。所得結果如下: 在工作評價方面,其日常主要工作項目的順序不同,急須謀求改善。而且研究對象認為工作項目中應加強的項目包括為「心理衛生」、「慢性病篩檢與防治」及「營養衛教」;且認為「接生服務」、「簡易手術」及「夜間門診」等項目應考慮予以取消。在組織氣候方面,護理相關人員與主管的互動以「偶而」最多,尚嫌不足,故應加強彼此間互動的關係。在工作滿意度的四個層面中以人際關係總分最高為3.44分,薪資福利及工作環境最低為2.7分,整體工作滿意度得分接近「尚可」。而影響工作滿意度之因素依序為組織氣候、工作倦怠感、年齡、職稱、及婚姻等五個變項,其中以組織氣候影響最大,其解釋力達35%。 因此建議衛生機關應適時檢討基層衛生單位之工作職責,並針對工作人員較不滿意的事項,包括與單位主管間互動及個人福利等,均應及早改善。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the appraisal and satisfaction among staff nurses in the health station of Taiwan Province. 2,486 staffs, mainly performed the primary health care in 338 health stations, were investigated by a mailing questionnaire which has approved by reliability and validity test. The questionnaire contained the issues of basic personal data, job appraisal and satisfaction personal planning for the future etc. The coefficient of reliability was 0.86; the response rate was 94.9%; and collected data was analyzed by package of SAS/PC 6.04. Our result indicated that the mental health, health care for elderly and chronic diseases, and public education for healthy diet appraised as items to be improved yet the items of maternal delivery care, surgical care, and nighttime clinic were appraised the worst among job items of health station. As for the general appraisal of the satisfaction on daily job, most of these nurses rated to be ”fair”, however, satisfaction on specific issues was showed variously response. Using multiple regression analysis, the significant variables of job satisfation, the climate of institution, age, marital status and the present of working. The coefficient of determination was 35.0%. We suggested to adjust the present job items of in the health station of Taiwan Province and to improve the situations which elicited most of the dissatisfaction of the staffs nurse, i.e.: ability of director; pertinance of communication with director; personnel appraisal system, etc. These are remained as important topics for further administrative intervention.


Staff Nurses Job Appraisal Job Satisfaction


敖文瑜(2008)。護理人員專業承諾、工作滿意與離職傾向相關度性之研究 ~以某區域醫院為例〔碩士論文,元智大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6838/YZU.2008.00031
