  • 期刊


Polymorphism of l-myc and Glutathione S-Transferase M1 Genes and Susceptibility to Hepatocellular Carcinoma


環境因子和遺傳因子可能皆和肝細胞癌的發展有關。因此本研究嘗試以病例對照研究來探討B型/C型肝炎病毒感染,及宿主L-myc和GST M1基因之多形性與肝細胞癌感受性的相關性。以聚合酶鏈鎖反應分析每個個體的L-myc和GST M1永因型,研究對象包括73位病例和以年齡、性別變項進行頻率配對取樣的191位健康對照。 結果要現GST M1基因型在病例、對照組之間沒有分布上的差異,L-myc基因型在兩組之間則有分布上的差異;和SS基因型比較,屬LS基因型個體罹患肝細胞癌的相對危險性為1.48(95%信賴區間0.69-3.17),屬LL基因型的相對危險性為2.12(95%信賴區間0.96-4.69),以趨勢檢定分析達邊緣性統計意義(P=0.051)。進一步以B型肝炎病毒表面抗原進行分組,姿現在帶原者組別中,屬LL基因型個體罹患肝細胞癌的相對危險性為1.80(95%信賴區間0.67-4.94),屬LL基因型個體的相對危險性為3.05(95%信賴區間1.10-8.70),達統計上顯著差異(P=0.021)。在年齡不大於50歲和男性的組別中,也發現相似的結果。對數複迴歸分析也顯示在調整肝炎病毒標記、GST M1基因型等變項復,L-myc LL基因型和肝細胞癌之間仍有顯著相關的情形。綜合言之,雖然目前對於不同L-myc基因型所產生不同的癌變機率,其分子機轉尚未明瞭,不過本研究結果顯示帶有L-myc SS基因型的個體可能有較低的相對危險性罹患肝細胞癌。


Both environmental and genetic factors may be involved in hepatocarcinogenesis. This study was carried out to investigate the relationship between the host L-myc and GST M1 genetic polymorphism and susceptibility of HCC. Using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assay on DNA extracted from liver and peripheral blood samples, the L-myc and GST M1 genotype of 73 HCC cases and 191 age-sex matched healthy controls was determined. This case-control study showed a slight difference in the distribution of L-myc genotypes between HCC patients and controls (p=0.l24). Compared with individuals who carried the SS genotype, the odds ratio associated with HCC was 1.48 (95% confidence interval [CI]=0.69-3.17) for those who carried the LS genotype and 2.12 (95%CI=0.96-4.69) for those who carried the LL genotype, respectively. There was a significant trend for the odds ratio of developing HCC with an increasing number of the L allele among men, hepatitis B virus carriers, and individuals aged 50 years or younger. Multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that persons with L-myc LL genotype tend to have a higher risk to develop HCC. There was no difference in the distribution of GST M1 genotypes between HCC patients and controls (p=0.499).
