  • 期刊


The Effect of Health Education on self-care Behaviors and Hypertension Control in Elderly Hypertensive Patients at a Veterans Home




This study examined the effect of health education (HE) on individual's hypertension (HT) cognition, attitude, self-care behaviors and blood pressure (BP) control after 6 months HE for those suspected HT subjects at a veterans home. All suspected hypertensive individuals screened in 1994 were included as subjects. Pre-test and HE were applied at clinic before participant's regular monthly followup. Subjects were randomly allocated to monthly education group (MEG) and everyother-month group (EOMG). A total of 222 complete interviews were collected from July 1996 to January 1997. Most subjects were 71 to 80 years old with less than 6 years of education, had poor vision and audition, and had low mental scores. Only half of the subjects had good HT cognition, attitude and self-care behaviors. Of these individuals, 46.4% had friends with HT or a stroke history. In addition to HT, 71.6% were co-morbid with other diseases. After HE, the HT cognition, the attitude toward BP, and self-care behaviors, such as medical compliance, on-schedule clinic visits and self-check of BP, improved. MEG was better than EOMG in disease cognition, but not in attitude or behaviors. The BP measurements, both systolic and diastolic, were slightly higher after HE than before. From analysis of factors that influence the changes after HE, the promotion of HT cognition, attitude, and behaviors were related to individual's age, mentality, co-morbidity, HE group, the number of friends and pre-educational HT health believes. In addition to above factors, the diastolic BP reduction was also related to individual's educational level, writing or reading ability, audition, disease cognition and medical compliance. For those HT residents, in addition to physician's regular follow up and medication, repeated monthly education, giving simple and clear messages, was helpful for their disease care.


hypertension elderly self-care health education


