  • 期刊


Development of a Job Exposure Matrix and Its Applications in Epidemiological Studies




Due to incomplete information about past exposure data and inconsistent accuracy and precision in the monitoring of data during study periods, there have been some problems in exploring the true relationship between exposure and the corresponding health effects in causal epidemiological studies. Compared with the methods of exposure assessment applied in traditional epidemiological research, the use of a job exposure matrix makes a smaller number of assumptions and suffers from fewer limitations. Therefore, the application of a job exposure matrix in determining the exposure level for a homogenous exposure group or individual has become increasingly popular. In general, there are four steps to develop a job exposure matrix: (1) selecting the exposure group, (2) establishing the link between the work task and the hazards, (3) determining the corresponding positive predictive value (PPV), and (4) prioritizing the weighing factors among the variables and scoring the exposure of the homogenous exposure group or individual. The mitigation of bias and evaluation of validity are also important issues throughout the whole process to avoid over- or under- estimation of the true exposure. This article also reviews the applications of research which used a job exposure matrix to explore the relationship between the occupation-exposure and exposure-disease among various epidemiological domains, including in general population or community-based studies, industry- or plant-specific studies, hypotheses generation, and study-specific. Some studies have shown a relatively small difference in the exposure estimate between the job exposure matrix and the actual measurement. The use of the job exposure matrix has been showing promising potential in the study of defining exposure-health effect relationships and the methodology of the exposure estimate.


