  • 期刊


International Trend on Foreign Aid and Taiwan Model


本文的目的是解析並闡明先進國家對受援國的官方援助模式,嘗試從實證經驗與案例中歸納出國際間公認的對外援助基本理論體系,進而解構台灣對外援助之獨特性。他山之石可以攻錯,藉國際趨勢可以檢討台灣援外政策與執行面的改善空間。 研究方法上是先定義對外援助,其次界定研究對象與範圍,然後嘗試從實證建立理論體系,並導入國際間多邊性架構與雙邊性架構援外的援助模式,接著以時間為經、歷史事件為緯,分析國際間援助案的演進以驗證理論體系之可信度,並探討九一一恐怖主義對美國以及其他先進國家的援外政策影響,最後嘗試分析檢討台灣援外政策的執行模式與特殊性,兩相對照即可彰顯台灣的經援外交之改革急迫性。 文獻資料來源方面,國際趨勢部份是以OECD、世界銀行等多邊國際開發機構的出版品、網站資料與國外智庫與學者專家的專著與英文報刊為主;台灣的部份則以學者專論、國際合作發展基金會、外交部、經濟部等官方出版品、網站資料,輔以親自訪談現任與卸任政府高層官員的第一手紀錄,以及台灣報刊資料。值得一提的是拜台灣政黨輪替之賜,經多次努力溝通,部份卸任高層人員終於願意揭密與指點迷津,許多官方的數據資料透過多位當事人解讀終於還原其原本政治本質,使本文說明台灣援外特殊性更有說服力。


This paper aims at providing an objective analysis of Official Development Assistance (ODA) model, which rendered by advanced countries. The author tries to build a theoretical framework on foreign aid by examining empirical evidences and case studies. “Comparison pinpoints our own shortcomings,” the Chinese proverb says. To better understand international trend and practice on foreign aid will enhance Taiwan’s policy making and practice. This paper provides the definition of foreign aid in the very beginning followed by framing the research target and scope of study. Then the author tries to build a theoretical based on empirical evidence and to compare the pros and cons between bilateral aid and multilateral aid. History and historical events are the best examples to test the validity of the theoretic framework. Surely, the September 11 attack is an indispensable factor to support the framework. The second part of this paper is to identify the uniqueness of Taiwan foreign aid in terms of its practice and political consideration. Based on the systematic analysis, the conclusion provides author’s criticism on current practice and thus offers possible solutions toward a sound mechanism of supervision. Documentation of this paper deserves extra credits. Besides academic publication, official statistics form Taiwan, OECD, and the World Bank, and experts’ comments, the author owes thanks to a small group of current and ex-official who, on the condition of not disclosing their identities due to political sensitivity, kindly provide inside information and interpretation of classified foreign aid budget. Without personal interview, this paper won’t be able to provide a convincing account of Taiwan’s foreign aid policy and practice. It is the author’s wishful thinking that this paper contributes to advance Taiwan’s foreign aid so as to be compatible with global trend.


Chang, H. W. (2012). 中華民國對拉丁美洲之經濟外交:以瓜地馬拉為例(2000-2010) [master's thesis, Tamkang University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2012.00863
