  • 期刊


The Points of View on Taiwan Literature by Lian Ya-Tang



本文強調連雅堂(1878-1936)為臺灣有史以來第一位認同本土的文人。他有意識地整理臺灣文學資料,保存文學文獻,提振文學生命,倡議鄉土文學。在異族統治下,他堅持臺灣文學應以本土化為首要課題:文學從土地與人民出發。其次,他也重視古典文學:「學術尚新,文章尚舊」。 我們透過連雅堂的臺灣文學觀點,可以了解到臺灣文學必須和本土密切結 合,才是活的文學。而又必須和傳統密切結合,才是有價值的文學。


This essay emphasizes that Lien Ya-Tang is the first scholar to identify with the land, since the beginning of recorded history in Taiwan. He had arranged the information of Taiwan literature consciously, preserved the records of Taiwan literature, promoted the life of Taiwan literature, and advocated the local literature. During the Japan colonial period, he insisted on that the primary issue for Taiwan literature is identifying with the land: literature originates from the land and people. The next, he valued the Chinese classics: ”the studies of science should be new, the literary works should be old.“ Through the points of view on Taiwan literature by Lien Ya-Tang, we can realize that the writings of Taiwan literature must be combined with the land tightly, or they are not live. And must be combined with the traditional culture tightly, or they are not worthful.

