  • 期刊


A Geographical Study on the Transition and Changes of Industrial Structure in Kaohsiung, Nantze and Taichung Export Processing Zone


加工區產業結構調整幾乎完全緊扣世界經濟脈動,而與全球市場需求軌跡同步邁進。即先勞力密集,加工程度高的產業(1960-70年代),繼之半技術性與技術密集產業(1970-80年代),80年代以後則全面走向技術密集、資本密集與高附加價值產業,且持續穩步昇級中,目前則為高科技術電子業的代工中心。在轉型過渡過程中,高雄區與楠梓區已漸成為新竹科學園區高科技產業(IC)的下游,以半導體對裝、測試為主導的電子專業區,已朝向『竹科附庸化』方向發展;高雄區更以其臨港獨特區位優勢,擬發展為集合物流、商流、資金與資訊流的倉儲轉運與籌管理中心。台中區則發展成光學專業區。 三區產業調整的動力機制是區內廠商妥善執行企業全球分工策略,並充分結合政府政策、國內外勞工市場及廠商綿密的綱絡配置與空間聚集因素所致。廠商善用亞太各地區不同生產條件與要素,針對產業不同製程,依最佳比較利益進行跨國性投資。廠商自發性靈活彈性的調整應變,也促使產業結構趨於合理化。 時間點與競爭優勢的喪失,促使加工區轉型昇級步伐加快,宜逐步轉型成高科技園區,以期全面提昇生產價值。未來發展方向的定位是:繼續修法將加工區轉變成為更開放、更有效率有自由貿易區,進而吸引更多科技人才,加強研發能力,讓跨國企業願將關鍵製程與研發、測試、驗證、發貨與作業等駐留並增設在區內,使加工區邁向新的境界。未來應積極整合大陸市場,確保資本、技術與市場的引進與擴張通路,以提昇生產力,搭上大陸的發展便車再起飛,經濟才有振興的機會。


產業結構 轉型 加工出口區 高雄 楠梓 台中


The adjustment of industrial structure in EPZ is almost completely related to the pulse of the world's economy. It marches forward simultaneously with the tracks of global market demands. It refers to firstly the industries of labor intensification and high extent of processing (1960~1970's), and then the semi-technically and technically intensified industries (1970~1980's). After 1980's the industrial structure comprehensively turned to the industries of technology intensification, capital concentration and those of high additional values. This industrial structure had been continuously and steadily promoting. Currently, it has turned to be the processing center of high-technical electronic industries. In the interim of transition, KEPZ and NEPZ have gadually become the downstream of the high-technological industries of Hsinchu Scientific Park. The basic mechanism of industrial transition in these zones is the perfect implementation of the strategy of global division of labor by the proprietors within these zones. Aside from this, they completely meet the government's policies, the local and foreign labor market, the tight network of proprieties and spatial concentration, of which these factors strengthen the smooth transition of these three zones. In future the positioning of the development direction are: continue to revise law to, change export processing zones to be more open and more efficient free trade zone so as to attract more technical talents, strengthen the abilities of research and development, let the cross-national enterprises be willing to invest on EPZs, and thus making the export processing zones march to a new realm.
