  • 期刊


Research on the Factors of Evolution and Influence in the School Areas of Junior High Schools in Kaohsiung City


本研究以「人地關係」的觀點,綜合探討人、學校與區域之間的關係,分析影響學區發展的因素。透過高雄市自民國57年「九年國民教育」推行以來,學區發展的狀況,探討都市人口變遷,推演學區發展的軌跡,及學校受人口結構變動影響後,對學區發展的影響力,並瞭解目前學區狀況,分析影響學區變遷的因素,探討學區潛在的問題,透過實際的調查及相關研究的綜合,提出學區重劃的建議,以期達到教育發展與國中學校分佈的均衡化。 學區的規劃除了由都市發展對人口的預估、掌控,或根據教育政策擬定計畫外,亦隱藏了政策面上所不可見的問題。包括:(l)共同學區有極龐大的共同學區人口數,對學校的就學人口投下不可控制的變數,對就學環境及教學品質有極大影響;(2)家長為使子女能就讀更符合本身需求之學校,而越區就學;(3)若公立學校無法滿足家長對子女的教育需求時,其可能尋求改變環境,選擇就讀和立學校;(4)現今教育多元化發展,學生與家長在選擇學校時,亦考量是否設有特殊班,以提供更多元的教育資源。 目前學區劃分情形並未臻於理想,對於學區制的規劃有如下建議:(l)理想的學區制要有學校數量、規模、區位及範圍的最適規劃,此些要素在規劃時要同時決定,以使整體達於均衡;(2)學區會隨著都市發展人口的變遷,各區域有需求量的變動,政府部門應當有專責人員,長期針對學校區位問題加以研究,以視需求量及分佈型態作動態性的調整;(3)配合都市計畫對學校預定地規劃,免除未來設校受到限制,產生區位選擇不適當或規模不合理的問題,社會將為此付出相當大的成本,也有失社會公平。


學區 演變因素 都市計畫 高雄市


From the viewpoint of ”person-place relations,” this research is to generally probe the relations among persons, schools and areas and to analyze the factors which affect the development of school areas. By means of discussing the changes in rural population based on the development in school areas since ”nine-year compulsory education” was implemented in 1968 in Kaohsiung City, predicting the orbit for the development of school areas and the influence on the development of the school areas after the schools was impacted by the change of population structure, understanding the present status of school areas, analyzing the factors which affect the changes in school areas, exploring the potential problems in school areas, and through integration of on-the-scene surveys and related studies, this research will make suggestions on the re-division of school areas so as to attain a balance in the development of education and the distribution of junior high schools. In addition to predicting and controlling the population based on rural development and working out plans in accordance with educational policy, the planning of school areas also conceals some problems which are invisible on the policy. These problems include: (1) Because a common school area has a very large population of common school area, which imposes an uncontrollable variable on the student population, the schooling environment and the teaching quality are greatly affected. (2) In order to enable their children to study at a school that more fits their own need, the parents of students send them to study in other school areas. (3) If public schools do not satisfy their educational requirements on their children, the parents of students tend to seek for a change of environment and choose to send their children to study at a private school. (4) Owing to multi-faceted development of education nowadays, students and their parents, when selecting a school, also take into consideration whether it has special classes to provide more multi-faceted educational resources. The system of school area is the basic system of junior high school and stabilizes the foundation for carrying out the present compulsory education. However, the division of school areas at present is not as ideal as desired. It is suggested that the system of school area be planned as follows: (1) An ideal system of school area should provide with the most appropriate plan in respect to the number, size, location and coverage of schools. These factors should be decided at the same. time when they are planned so as to achieve an overall balance. (2) As the requirement of all school areas tends to change along with the change of population by rural development, governmental agencies should appoint responsible persons to study the division of school areas so as to make flexible adjustment in the division according to the requirement and the type of distribution. (3) The land reserved for use by a school should be planned according to rural plan so as to avoid problems including limitation on the establishment of the school in the future, improper selection of the area and unreasonable size, which will cause the society to pay a very expensive cost and bring unfairness to the society.


